Template Pt 7- Scenarios

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These are just some scenarios I think would be fun to include, and are completely optional to add :)

Dumbledore runs a Hogwarts instagram account

Sikowitz from Victorious is there- no one knows his purpose or what house he's in, he's just there causing trouble

Dumbledore isn't a shitty person, and has a sense of humour

You're always finding secret passageways and trap doors that lead extremely cool places and take you places in the castle you never knew existed, including secret gardens, a whole abandoned tower just like the astronomy tower, and secret libraries with restricted and forbidden material

(If your shifting to the Marauders era) Remus doesn't get too badly injured during full moons

(If you're shifting to the Marauders era) You're in a band with the rest of the Marauders and Lily called "The Animals"- you perform at the Yule ball, and Sirius frequently ropes you into serenading Remus, and James to Lily

The lake freezes over in the winter and the teachers and students can skate on it safely

Something interesting and unexpected happens every day

There are a lot of parties, each held by different houses, all extremely chaotic and super fun in their own way

You're amazing at wizards chess and continuously beat everyone

The yule ball happens every year, as do the rest of the Holiday events (if you've scripted them)

One year, at the house cup, Dumbledore announces that Hufflepuff won the house cup- then he says he has a few more points to hand out, and announces "500 points to Dumbledore for being the best headmaster" and all the flags turn into his face. (Im sorry I just think this would be hilarious) 

Famous and popular 2010 songs from your OR are played by their bands live at the yule ball

You can read minds when you want to

Something that makes me burst into uncontrollable laughter happens every day

At the Yule Ball there are ballots where you can vote Yule King and Queen 

It always snows on Christmas

At the Yule Ball Cha Cha Slide, YMCA, Cupid Shuffle etc play and the purebloods are scared out of their minds

Whenever you want you can get music to play in the background by tapping your wrist three times and thinking of the song you want to play- you can control who hears it, and no one questions it. It feels like you're in a movie

Every Friday night the Inter-house games happen, when you gather with other houses and play games like spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven

There's a masquerade dance on halloween each year

You're friends with the paintings and they help you sneak around

On Halloween Hogwarts goes all out from decor to turning the castle into a haunted house

When you wake up in my DR for the first time, in your trunk there is a piece of paper with your Myers Briggs personality type, and your ENTIRE astrological chart, corresponding to your OR personality (if you've changed it). Even if my date of birth doesn't match up with what my astrological chart would be, personality wise in my DR, it just says my signs, even though my time, and date of birth may be different. (I'm pretty into personality tests so I just think this would be cool lmao)

When students first return from summer break, the first week has no school, and is instead a week somewhat like the CNE (google it) in your OR. There's an obstacle course on the black lake, numerous bouncy castles, bands from your OR playing on stage, food vendors and so many more fun activities. Theres also no curfew, and at night things get even more fun, with all the activities that stay there being lit up with lights, or altered slightly, and different activities being added only during the night time, or through solving riddles to find different, crazy additions like sliding off of the roof of Hogwarts (which is turned into a huge slide with a drop) into pillows, thestral races, transfiguring willing people into horses and their partners racing, murder mysteries in the room of requirement, and mass hide and seek played all through Hogwarts. 

On your phone you have an app called "Scenarios". You can put in as many scenarios as you want to happen that day, and there's a button under each scenario where you choose wether or not you forget them

Valentines is a super big deal around Hogwarts. There's a Valentine's ball, and the castle itself even goes so far as to lock people who like each other into small spaces, or even (although no one knows how) make it impossible for them to let go of each other's hands for the rest of the day.

The teachers have a soft spot for you

You know how to fist fight

(I will update this section frequently)

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