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                               Hello! Thank you so much for clicking on this book. Over the course of these next few chapters, I will do my best give a comprehensive script template for the Hogwarts reality. Constructive criticism is highly encouraged, so please don't be shy to comment something you feel needs to be added- I will do my best to update as soon as possible.                                                                               If you would like to see other chapters on shifting help in general, or have any special requests, please let me know! I will not hesitate to do my best to provide you with all the shifting help necessary. 

                     My instagram is in the story description, and my email is, so feel free to contact me there as well. I would also like to mention that although I will try and check in/update this every day, please understand if I cannot get back to you immediately- it is not my intention to be rude or cold, I just have found myself becoming busier and busier especially with online school. . Thank you, and good luck on your shifting journey !! :)



DISCLAIMER: Although as I have stated many times, this script is as comprehensive as I can make it, each script, and overall shifting experience will be different. I strongly recommend you add things to this script not included/remove things that are arbitrary for you. 

Hogwarts DR ScriptOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora