First Steps

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Xander froze in shock or he would have if he could freeze. Since he was a core he just went silent for a moment, he watched in silence as the bulkhead door that was the entrance to his station was pried open and little green humanoids with bright blue overalls rushed through the opening brandishing ion axes and ion swords. Xander freaked and spoke quickly to Zenith saying " what are those little green creatures" "those are green goblins the most common and stupidest of the goblin races they're often used as cannon fodder by a lot of the darker races."  The large black Tiefling standing at the entrance desk snatched up the plasma rifle that was in a gun rack behind the desk, and shot three times in rapid succession, then a bar on the side of the rifle flashed red and the rifle stopped firing. The Tiefling snarled and slapped the side of the rifle as the first goblin rushed up the front of the desk only to be met with the butt of the plasma rifle breaking it's neck. The next goblin was already on top of the desk and as the Tiefling raised the rifle again the goblin split the rifle in half with a upraised axe. The ion axe hummed as the little green goblin swiped it sideways. The Tiefling leaped backward just in time to avoid the glowing blue axe, then jumped forward and grabbed the goblin by the throat Just in time to bring the horns on the tiefling's head into the face of the goblin ripping it open and killing it instantly. The Tiefling then snatched up the axe the goblin had dropped in time to viciously rip through two more goblins. Then a swarm of goblins surged around the sides of the desk knocking the Tiefling to the ground, for a moment there was a pile of green as the goblins tore the Tiefling apart."oh my god that was so quick, I thought the Tiefling would last longer." Xander exclaimed. "Against a race that cared he might have yes, but against cannon fodder he will die quickly he killed six of them though." "Hey why did the rifle stop shooting anyway?" "Your station has the most basic technology those rifles might blow up before they get a single shot off they might not fire and they might even fire five times which is when they would reload but you don't have that option." Xander watched as the goblins pulled the door open. They were greeted with two plasma shots the first landed just under the first goblins ribs vaporizing most of it's stomach, the second flew over the first's shoulder and destroyed most of the top of one of the goblin's heads. As they fell a third blob of plasma flew between the falling bodies and vanished a neck and most of a shoulder of another goblin. The rest of the goblins rushed over the dead bodies of their former comrades to be met with three more bolts of plasma stopping two more goblins in their tracks, Two more shots of plasma flew out striking down two goblins while a Tiefling threw down his rifle picked up a chair and threw it with extreme force it slammed into the rush of goblins knocking over five of the goblins stalling their charge. Another set of shots slung out killing two more goblins, suddenly one of the rifles started shaking and glowing, the Tiefling holding it threw it at the downed goblins moments later the rifle exploded into a green and blue ball of fire that consumed the downed goblins and four more that was behind them. Another goblin went down as the last shot rang out the Tiefling holding it rushed at the goblins that remained of which there were five. The other tieflings joined the charge , the first tiefling bowled over three of the goblins knocking them off their feet. Then he was cut down by the other two goblins. The other two tieflings slammed into each of the standing goblins, ripping their weapons out of their hands and finishing the three goblins that were on the ground. Xander
smiled "how did they do?" " They were pretty good great discipline and they're certainly violent enough but the fact they have no melee weapons is really telling against them." " Can they use the weapons that the goblins just brought on." Yes but you would be better off reverse engineering them, because until you do you can't make more or maintain them if they get damaged." "How do I do that? " " You make a workshop or a laboratory and you create people for it. " What's the difference between a laboratory and a workshop?" " A laboratory is better for researching new things and reverse engineering old ones, a workshop can reverse engineer technology but it's slower, it cannot research new technology but it can make things better than you can. " " What do you mean better than I can? " " You can make the basic form of any weapon the workshop can upgrade those weapons and once upgraded then you can make them the upgraded version." " Okay what does it cost to do that what are my limitations why did I have no choice in the rooms that were built. " "All of the weapons, rooms, creatures, research, and anything else that requires you to use energy requires power. Which is why you have a power control room it generates power using your core, if you upgrade the room you can get more power you have the power to build two more rooms. After that you must wait until your core power increases then you can upgrade your power control room. As to why the cafeteria was a forced option to have creatures or people you must have a cafeteria, the security booth was because there was an enemy approaching and the security booth is always the entrance of a station dungeon. " Okay I would like to build a workshop, but what else should I build?" Well you only have three choices anyway besides the workshop there's also of course the laboratory and a sensor array and finally the public space AKA a bathroom and janitor closet. " " Why can I build a restroom?" So invaders can use them and for decoration." " Well let's get to building then." 

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