This time, it was too much.

I got lost in a train of thoughts, but Scott gained me back to reality. "Love, can you get my bag from my desk?"

"Yeah, I'll go get it now."

I got up from my slump and ran off to get his bag. When I got up there, a single tear rolled down my cheek. I nearly choked a sob, but I stopped myself. I sat on the bed, my hands over my mouth. I leant back, so I was lying down. I let out a breath I'd been holding for far too long and got back up.

"Come on, y/n, be strong. Don't let the haters get the win." I said. I got his bag from the desk. His journal was open, so I read it reluctantly.

'21st December

This year has gone fast. If anything, it's gone too quick. I watched the Fugitive with y/n tonight. I'm still wondering what to get y/n for Christmas.

Books? CDs? What on Earth do I get her?

I'll need to think fast.

I've got a little idea; a holiday. Is that too fancy for a girl I've only known for four days?

She seems worth it; she appears caring. She might even be the one. I don't want to jump to conclusions too quickly. I'll think about it when she's at Everton, but I'm watching the game from the sofa. The same seat where we've shared a few nights, the same place where I realised that she deserves the world.

The very spot where I knew this could be something for the rest of my life; the same sofa I realised that I might love her.

I don't want to fall too fast, but when I said 'I love you' this very night, I think she said 'I love you too.'

I know that I did/still do mean it, but she could have said it from tiredness. She might not have even said it at all. I pray that my mind wasn't playing tricks on me.

That gives me an idea.

Maybe, just maybe, I could tell her that I love her. I could shout it from the rooftops and not care who heard me scream it, as it was true.

The only issue with that: Ed 'the twat' Woodward.

He needs to let her be with me with no barriers. I might speak with him tomorrow and slowly start to persuade him in believing it's the right thing to do.

I'll get going now, as I need to wake up y/n. Y/n's so beautiful; I can't believe she's even giving me a chance. The way I saw her e/c eyes glimmer when her favourite song came on. The way I saw her cheeks turn a light shade of pink when I complimented her. The way I saw her nose turn red from the cold weather. The way she shows a passion for everything she believes in; the way her laugh can light up a room. The way her lips grew into a smile when I dedicated both goals against Leeds to her. The way she looked glad, the way that made my heart pounce.

The way she stole my heart and made it hers; the way she knows how to make my heart do a backflip.

The way the butterflies dance whenever I see her, whenever I hold her, whenever I hug her, whenever I kiss her, whenever I see her be herself, whenever she cares for me, whenever her touch calms me down in an instant.

I'm going on a tangent now; I need to get y/n up.

Write later,


A smile playfully started to grow on my face as my cheeks began to show a natural red. I was over the moon when I read 'I know that I did/still do mean it'. My face lit up like a Christmas tree. At this moment I realised that Scott would be waiting for me, so I calmed myself down to the best of my ability and went down the stairs.

"Here it is, Tommy," I said.

"Thank you, love. I was starting to wonder if you'd gone back to sleep!"

"Haha! No, I just had to get some stuff for me." I lied.

"Okay, darling. I need to get to Carrington at the same time as you because I've got a meeting to attend."

"Oi oi, Scotty got a meeting? Formal much, Mr McTominay. Shall I be your chauffeur?" I joked with him, showing him the door.

"Oh, haha, very funny. Absolute top banter, eh? Too common for my liking, Miss y/l/n. Please, do show me to my mode of transport." He played back, cracking up with laughter. I couldn't help but laugh with him, but the laughter died down after a few minutes. That's when he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

"Oh, y/n, I think that's the most I've laughed all year. You idiot," he started. "You absolute idiot."

"Wouldn't have it any other way though, would you Tommy?"

"Never," He said, looking at me, before kissing me for a couple of seconds. He pulled away before continuing, "You've put me in a better mood, love. Come on, let's get going to Carrington, yeah?" His hands intertwined with mine as he walked outside and locked the door.

"Which car?" I asked.

"Yours. You said you'd be my chauffeur, right?" He winked.

I rolled my eyes. "I did. Come on then," I said, holding my hand out. Scott grabbed it before going to my car.

We got in; I turned on the engine. The fifth One Direction album, 'Made In The A.M.' started playing (specifically the song 'Love You Goodbye').

"This is what I mean by when I didn't want people finding out I liked 1D. Look in the glove box," I said. He hesitantly opened it to find copies of all of the 1D albums.

"Jesus, you must like them."

"I play them on rotation with the New Rules one. I'll be playing Up All Night next. Sorry if I start singing, just a natural reaction."

"It's fine. Your voice is sweet to listen to."

"Oh, shush," I started to mouth the lyrics and then 'I Want to Write You a Song' came on.

"This song is my comfort song! Listen to the beauty of their lyrics."

I took a glance at Scott, who was smiling. "Is this your favourite from the album, then?"

"Yeah. It makes me get that warm feeling inside. Could be my favourite 1D song ever, but I can't decide."

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind."

The album continued to play; it then finished when we arrived at the training Complex.

i love you - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now