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───── ❝ The Ball ❞ ─────

She awoke on the morning of the ball excited but nervous, she just hoped everything would go okay. Cass had a free period that morning so she wandered around the halls with Nova. She ran into Fred outside Filch's office and the two of them talked for a good few hours. The conversation was so interesting and hilarious that she found herself running to Potions (he had promised to look after Nova since Snape hated animals in his room). He was in a terrible mood, yes he was usually in a god awful mood but this was ten times worse than usual. The fact that all the girls were talking about the dance and no one was actually doing any work just made it ten times worse.

"What do you think got Snape in such a bad mood?" Draco asked as they pretended to listen to his lecture about how to properly behave in a classroom environment.

"Maybe all the happiness is too much for him, the man simply cannot cope," she joked and the two of them struggled to keep their laughter quiet.

They finished that lesson early ( Snape just couldn't be bothered anymore) so she went outside to meet the others for lunch. There were a bunch of people going (mainly Gryffindors and a few Hufflepuffs from the twins' year). They all sat on the grass, talking whilst they ate and laughed. After a few hours, the majority of the girls and a few of the boys got up to go and get ready for the evening's festivities.

Hermione stood, wiping grass off her robes. "We should probably go too."

"Do you really need that long to get ready?" Ron queried as Cass stood.

"It takes a lot of effort to look this good Ronald," she joked. "Where should we meet you?"

Harry smiled up at her. "We'll wait at the stairs for you."

"Okay," she replied as Hermione began to drag her away from the others. "Jeez Hermione, chill," she laughed.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous." She laughed too, letting go of Cass's arm. They made it up to her room without getting caught and Hermione pulled their dresses out from her wardrobe. Cass did her hair and makeup whilst Hermione showered with some sort of anti-frizz shampoo. She watched and talked to Hermione as she attempted to sort out her hair. About twenty minutes into the process she smashed the brush down onto the table. "Ugh! I give up! The one time I actually try with my hair and it looks worse than I started," she exclaimed, giving herself a death glare through the mirror.

"Let me have a go," she replied as she walked toward her, brush in hand.

"Okay but I doubt you'll be able to fix it."

"I'll bet you I can, ten sickles?" she joked something which Hermione did not appreciate in any way shape or form. Cass got to work, swirling her hair up using what seemed like thousands of bobby pins to support it. She left pieces at the bottom which she later curled with a spell she had learnt a few years ago. "There see, you look amazing." She said after she had fixed the few flyaways around her ears.

"Merlin- how did you do that?" she gasped, staring at her hair in the mirror.

"I'm a woman of many talents," she laughed. Hermione agreed and it was finally time for them to put on their dresses and shoes. They zipped each other up and slipped on the heels, smiles on their faces as they gazed into the mirror. "Shoot, I forgot Harry's necklace."

"Go, go get it. I'll go meet the others and we will wait for you." She smiled, opening the door to her bedroom.

"Okay, ill be like five minutes tops," she replied before hurrying out of her bedroom. She entered the common room and ran up the staircase. The necklace had been kept on her dresser the entire time so it was easy to find, the clasp however wasn't as simple. Luckily she bumped into someone on the stairs.

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