loki has news? what is it?

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                             *time skip, 2 weeks*

*peter is upstairs in his room in the tower with tony and steve, they are all just talking until there's lots of shouting*

tony: kid wait here, rodgers, stay here with peter please
peter: oh um okay

*tony quickly leaves the room following the noise, when he gets there they see loki all beaten up and the other avengers stood there*

tony: GUYS, SHUT UP!!

*everyone shuts up and looks at tony*

tony: what's going on?!
thor: loki turned up covered in bruises and blood
tony: okay, loki you know your not welcomed at this tower, so why are you here
loki: *panting* i have really important news to tell you
tony: okay, let's get you cleaned up and we'll talk in private, come with me

*loki follows tony to get cleaned up, and after they go to the soundproof room to talk in private, and that's when tony just found out the amazing news*

tony: okay so, WHAT?!
loki: okay okay, so i overheard some people talk about it, i have no idea who they all are, but they know all of us
tony: how?
loki: i don't know, anyway, they saw me and shouted my name then they all attacked me, i passed out and woke up  in this room, i managed to get away obviously but for some reason, they don't want anyone knowing about the whole situation.
tony: okay so these anonymous people some how know and no one else does? how do these people know, we need to find them
loki: i k-know we d-do
tony: are you okay?
loki: i uh i think i-

*loki stuttered over his words and then he just fainted right in front of tony, so tony carried him to the emergency room and got his team to figure out what was wrong, after some time passed tony got told that there was a tracking chip inside loki's arm*

tony: wait, there's a what in his arm?!
doctor: yes mr stark, a tracking chip
tony: hmmm

*tony gets an idea, but what is it?*

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