Chapter 2

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After a while they arrive and Steve's sitting at the examination desk.Dr.Esme comes in
Danny-Hi doctor
Dr.Esme-You look horrible Commander
Danny-Thank you doctor,(to Steve)horrible,you listen?
Dr.Esme approaches Steve and starts examining him
Dr.Esme-(To a nurse)Tell Andrew that Commander McGarrett's gonna pay him a visit for a chest x-ray
She leaves the room.Dr.Esme puts her stethoscope on Steve's back while Steve coughs and Danny wipes off the blood from his lips
Dr.Esme-How long do you have this cough Commander?
Steve-It started today
Dr.Esme-This cough hasn't started today, especially since it has blood.How long do you have it Commander?
Danny-Steve I know when you lie,how long?
Steve-(Coughs)One week and a half(coughs)it started as a simple(coughs)cough
Dr.Esme-Take a deep breath
Steve invales,coughs.She checks his temperature
Dr.Esme-101.66°F Commander.I'll get someone here to draw somd blood and I also want to check your weight.Can you step on it please?
Danny-Let me help you get up
Steve-I can Danno
Steve gets up and stands on it,they all look at it
Danny-170 pounds?You lost 5 pounds you idiot
Steve sits back at the table
Dr.Esme-Do you have any trouble breathing?chest pain?trouble sleeping?
Danny-He also whistles when he breathes
Dr.Esme-Okay,I heard that,I'll wait for the x-ray but it appears to be accute pneumonia.I'll give you a shot of antibiotics,you rest.No training,no swimming,no work,nothing for at least a week.Also you stay in bed for the next four days,unless I say so,you do nothing
Danny-Be sure for that doctor
Steve-I'm fine(coughs)
Danny looks at him angry
Danny-The hell you are,now let's go for the x-ray
Steve gets up and he follows Danny
Dr.Esme-Bring him up here after the x-ray
They're out of the radiology
Danny-Empty your pockets
Danny-All of it,knives,granades,ammo, everything,put them in the bag
Steve-From where did you get the bag?
Danny-I always have one in the car,to empty your pockets at the hospital,now do it
Steve sighs and empties his pockets.He had a lot in there (and when I say a lot,I mean a lot)Steve gets into the x-ray room and he gets out after a couple of minutes.They head back to dr.Esme's office
Dr.Esme-As I suspected,accute pneumonia.You should have come sooner Commander,it would have been way easier
Danny-He was hiding it,if I knew it,I would have brought him sooner
Dr.Esme-I'm sure about that Detective
Steve-Okay,what now?
Dr.Esme writes a prescription and gives it to Danny
Dr.Esme-This is a prescription for the meds you need to take and I repeat,no training,no swimming,no work until I clear you and you stay in bed for the next days
Steve-Yeah,yeah(coughs)can we go now
Danny-Let's go,thanks doctor
Dr.Esme-Good luck Detective
Danny-Thank you
They go in the car and they leave

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