Chapter 4

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AN :Saying this again but I'm so so so so so so so so so so sorry that I wasn't working on this aaaagh so much has happened but I can write this now since there's ✨motivation✨

Second/third person POV?

Instead of Yut- lung who you were looking forward to seeing, a man who seems awfully tall was standing infront of the doorframe , with a puzzled look on his face, switching to a somewhat cocky smirk.

"Well well, look what the snake is hiding in it's nest."

Of course , this was intended to be a joke, but the man quickly got himself back into place as he could clearly tell you were not having his bullshit attempt of making a chuckle out of you. Usually , you might of laughed, but you were currently not in the headspace to be calm and carefree, as Yut- lung hasn't arrived yet.

"May I know who you are?" You would ask the man sternly.

The man "fixes up" his cropped black hair as another attempt of making a friendly gesture, and clears his throat .

"I am Sing Soo-Ling. I see that you're acquainted with that rascal Yut- Lung?"

You certainly didn't like Yut -Lung being referred to as "snake" or "rascal" at all, but you're able to contain yourself from blowing up in Sing's face in rage.

"And why are you here? "

You can hear Sing explaining his reasons of coming here as background noise, as your attention switches to behind Sing, where another figure can be seen getting out of a car, flipping what looks like a pony tail from his shoulder to his back. The other man hurried over to the door, and you could instantly tell that this was Yut- lung.

Yut- lung seems out of breath, putting his hands on his knees, gasping for air? (Idk how to word that sorry 😭) Yut- lung also put down a briefcase he had in his hand , well, more like dropping it out of exhaustion.

"Sing, you should've waited for me to get out the car before-" he paused for a second for some air, "before coming over here!"

Sing perked his head over to Yut- lung.

"I didn't feel like waiting for you to get your briefcase from under your seat. Though, I am quite hurt that you never informed me about this lady you have cooped up in this mansion of yours." Sing noted.

Yut- lung by now stood up straight and picked up his briefcase again.

"She's my lover, Sing."

You decided to greet yourself, even though you weren't looking forward to Sing's company so far.

"Greetings, I'm Y/N L/N, a pleasure to meet you." You gestured a smile. Your anger has cooled down though seeing that Yut- lung is safe and sound, and Sing isn't some man trying to break in or do some sort of harm.

"Say Yue, is he your business partner?" You'd ask.

"Oho? She calls you Yue?" Sing teased  Yut- lung. Yut- lung sighed in disbelief to Sing's immaturity at the moment. He knows Sing can be ambitious , as a natural leader, but he never knew he could be such a pain.

"Yes Y/N, he is my business partner , but please excuse his behavior , I'm not sure why he's acting like this now." Yut- lung felt a bit of embarrassment since he clearly doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable from Sing.

"Are you treating me like a child, I'm only a few years younger than you!" Sing exclaimed, he decided to keep this "playful" act as Sing would like to call it, as he found it humoring for Yut- lung to react like this in front of you.

"You clearly aren't acting like it." Yut- lung snapped back, before taking a breath and looking back to you.

"I apologize again Y/N, I wasn't originally going to bring him here but due to an unexpected occurrence at work , we had to cut our meeting short and Sing ended up in my car. He's going to have dinner with us and eventually go home, I hope."

"I'm so heart broken Yueeee! Do you not want me here?" Sing whined .

"Refrain from calling me Yue Sing." Yut- lung stated, getting ticked off by now.

"Yeah yeah, I was just teasing you both, you guys make me feel like I'm some sort of criminal!" Sing said in defeat.

"Whatever. Y/N , feel free to do whatever, I'm going to go tell one of my chefs to make us a meal, and I'll send someone out to get me some Wine."

"Alright." You reply. You step back inside so the they can both come in, and you sit on the couch to see what channel is playing. Yut- lung takes off his coat and tosses it onto a hanger and leaves to go request food and drinks from his chefs. Sing sits next to you to also watch what's on TV.

"Sing, I'm going to go wash up really quick, don't do anything silly or you'll be in for a tasty treat."

Of course, even though Yut- lung doesn't do many criminal acts anymore, he hasn't forgotten about all he has learned about herbs and poison, and Sing knew that he should definitely behave now.

"Relax Yut- lung, ill just be watching what's on TV with Y/N."

"Hmph, you better keep your word." Yut- lung storms off.

At times , Yut- lung unintentionally takes long showers when he feels distressed or annoyed in some way, often forgetting the time or what's going on beyond the shower.

As you watch the TV, you realized that this night was going to be a long one.

AN : I know this chapter was a lot of Yut- lung and Sing bickering but please don't feel like this fanfic is gonna revolve around those two! It'll just be for when Sing is here since this duo isn't exactly getting along right now aaa 😭 thank you for reading this chapter though!

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