Chapter Two

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The gala was a blur for Jason, and he couldn't recall much of it, nor the previous day entirely. He only really remembered talking to someone about his art and next thing he knew, he was waking up.

Now, there were a Few things to note.

1) this was not his apartment.

2) this was a hotel.

3) there was someone right besides him.

So that meant he picked up someone at his own art show.

How irresponsible.

He prayed he did nothing to jeopardize his career. He only just started after all.

Jason sat up, the blankets falling to his naked waist. He glanced over, seeing the man he was with lying face down in the pillow. He was still breathing, so everything was a-okay.

He gathered his things and got dressed, leaving money for the room before booking it.

He did not want to see who he was with. What if he made a complete ass out of himself?

At least spare himself the embarrassment.

He went home, kicking himself for forgetting how he lost his virginity.

He was so stupid.

Just after he left, Derek started to wake up, instinctively reaching for the spot beside him. He didn't feel anyone and that woken him up. Derek pushed off the bed enough to see an empty spot, a note and some money, probably for the room.

He let his arms slacken, falling back onto the bed in a heavy umpf.


He was pretty cute.


Honestly, he didn't remember much of the night besides making out, getting naked and the guy freaking out because he was a virgin and was afraid he was too drunk.

So they didn't do anything. Just cuddled while butt ass naked.

Still, Derek felt like he met that guy before.

He wanted to see him again, figure out who he was, just like he wanted to see the coffee shop boy again.

Maybe he wasn't as straight as he thought.

Considering the threesomes and orgies he was a part of in the past, he really shouldn't have been surprised.

He definitely wasn't as straight as he believed.

His head pounded like something fierce. His phone ringing didn't help much. He scrambled for it and brought it to his ear, praying he wasn't about to get yelled at.

"Where are you?"


"Why do you care Kelly?" Derek groaned out, blinking away the sleep.

"You never went hike last night."

"How would you know that?"

She grumbled something under her breath, but cut herself off, "doesn't matter. Where are you? Better not have been hooking up with another stranger."

"Don't worry, didn't sleep with anyone. Just got drink and rented a room."

Kelly sighed into the phone, "alright, do you need to be picked up?"

"I'm bot working today, so I'll take my sweet time going home."

"I know you don't like me Derek, but can you act your age for once?" She took a deep breath before rushing out harsh words that she might regret. "You have commitment issues, I get that, but I am still your personal assistant and handler, so please try not to make my job difficult."

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