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"He is a body container for the stones"

His hand barely touched the stone before it erupted consuming the world around his and knocking him out rendering him unconscious.


Xingqiu's eyes opened slowly to reveal an oddly familiar state.

"This must be the Shariac consciousness..." he grunted standing up and holding his left arm that has braced his impact.

The walls of this deja vu were filled with past scenes of him and his comrades.

More specifically, Chongyun.

Looking ahead he saw the core floating in place waiting for him.

Ever since he was born his job was to become a body container for the stones.

His elders forced intense training onto him at such a young age that they hadn't even realized the amount of physical and mental damage they had inflicted upon him.

The camp.

That was the place where he had met Chongyun.

He was meant to become a body container as well but it turned out that his system was to weak.

The last time they forgot to look into it a girl by the name of Elise had the core of wind implanted into her though her body rejected it forcing it to shut down.

In the end, it left her legs useless.

Because her bodies will was to low in strength it could not stand its own in the fight and she ended up becoming the Shariac of Wind...which is why they had to destroy her.

She was only 14...

What would Xingqiu do if something like that happened to his beloved friend?


Xingqiu wobbled back and fourth towards the pulsing core.


Reaching out a hand to break the barriers he whispered a promise meant to be kept...

"...Will save you..."

With all his strength he broke past the first barrier which sent a shock wave shattering the memories into pieces.

He had managed to break past the first barrier and then the next grabbing onto the core.

The core began to spey corruption in every direction lifting the veil that covered the Shariac Consciousness .

Dark holes begun to open up from the floor allowing Shariac energy to manifest creating an Sagittarius also more commonly known as K048.

A high rank Shariac beast created only from direct contact with a core.

"The core..." he grunted squeezing his hand tighter around the gem.

"Is going out of control..."

Xingqiu's body fell limp as he began to descend within the cores power.

Maybe he just wasn't right to become a body container for such a strong object.

His power was nothing in comparison to the power the core held...

Suddenly he felt a small, delicate wing graze the tip of his finger awakening him.

He opened his eyes the see Chongyun smiling and reaching out to him as if to pull him out of this nightmare.


His body rid of its tenseness and curled up around the blue core allowing it to enter his being.

The walls of the K048 broke around him revealing Xingqiu, the Shariac of Reason.

"This energy..." he muttered looking at his hands with a small smirk.

From thin air a DELTA bot began to construct itself around Xingqiu's floating body.

"Unbelievable..." he gasped.

All that research had finally paid off.

Unfortunately his excitement was ended quickly as two large hands slammed down from the water fall pushing up the large beast.

Quickly he constructed a portable waypoint allowing him to switch in and out of places quick enough to avoid the beasts attacks.

Summoning the DELTA bot, it began to fold in on itself creating a sort of cycle.

"Ride on" he said as the bot repeated it preparing it for one intense battle.

A road of adeptial energy manifested itself since this was, of course, an adepti's creation.

With each road that eventually faded away left a specialized weapon type in its wake.

The beasts arms threw themselves at the boy until they hit him forcing him off of the bot and falling through the sky.

The bot untangled itself back into its normal form and reached out and hand towards Xingqiu.

Tossing himself back on, he charged the power to overload upping his chances of a critical malfunction.

But at this point it was all or nothing.

"Shariac levels critical" said the bot in a mechanic tone.

Yet Xingqiu continued until the bot moved at such a pace with such power that when collided with the heads weakest point, it's one eye, It left it blind and immobilized.

Xingqiu drifted up into the air as the bot reformed around the boy which allowed him to float in the air.

Now full Shariac of reason, his eyes changed a yellow color activating the weapons to all fire at once obliterating the beast into nothing but ash.

Xingqiu floated safely towards the ground and let out a sigh of relief.

The bot placed an arm in front of him and Xingqiu placed his hand on its arm with a smile.



"...is here for you..."


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