16. Giraffe.

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Peter pov.

Ned looks between me and Nemo confused.

"who's that? Where's Nemo?" he asks.

"this is Nemo. He drank some green puddle when we went for a walk and turned into a human. I asked Mr. Loki what it is and he said Nemo will stay a boy forever." I explain briefly to save time. Ned nods while possessing it. "who's the toy for?"

He looks at the Teddy in his hands and smiles in realisation

He looks at the Teddy in his hands and smiles in realisation

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"oh! It's for Ne-mo... Who is no longer a dog" he says sadly.

"im sure Nemo will love it" I smile. He returns it and takes off his jacket and places it on the back of a chair while I wake up Nemo.

"Nemo, Nemo baby. Guess who's here?" I say in a soft tone while stroking his ear lightly.

He blinks a few times and stretches like a dog and leans up a little. His eyes light up when he sees my best friend standing there.

"Ned. You here" he cheers and sits beside me.

"yeah, I Brough you this" he holds up the giraffe with a smile making Nemo squeal and jump out of bed and take it from Neds arms and hug it tightly.

"thank you, Ned!" he hugs Ned before jumping on the bed like a child would do and hugs his toy tightly with a huge grin."thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"no problem." Nemo climbs back into bed and snuggles into me again.

"...dose anyone else know?" Ned asks as Nemo watches him from my lap as I stroke his hair. He just leans into my hand.

"just Mr. Loki. We told my dad Nemo sleeping over at yours and Human Nemo is an exchange student from Spain...but he doesn't speak Spanish"

Ned nods slowly. He looks at us with a small smile as we semi hug. Nemo shifts under his gaze and turns away into my chest and tries to sleep.

"I need your help" I tell Ned with a small smile.

"shoot" he says with a grin.

"we need to teach Nemo how to be a person. Like read and write and talk. Stuff like that" I say making my best friend almost squeal. He nods happily and watches as Nemos tail sways a little out his trousers.

"Nemo, what do you wanna do first?" I ask him as he sits up and places his legs in a basket while holding his Teddy in his arms.

"I not know" he says simply making me smile again.

"we could try talking? Incase your in public and speak to people" I suggest. Him and Ned both nod.

"okay, people usually say 'I don't know. Or' I don't know'"

"I d-dont know" Nemo repeats, struggling a little but he gets there in the end.

"good job"


After about half an hour of talking we decide to show him how to write.

"you hold it like this" I say showing him how to hold a pencil. His tounge sticks out the corner of his mouth a little as he fiddles with the pencil.

"I can't." he says still trying. I place my hand over his like in the movie Ghost and show him properly. He smiles a little as I pull away and see him holding it perfectly.

"your doing it" Ned cheers and gets some paper and hands it to us. "try writing something"

"try a... A smiley face" I say making him nod. He places the end of the pencil on the paper but pulls away confused.

"I don't know what it is" he says still not having the best English.

"like this" I say. I take out my own pencil and draw a simple smiley face. He nods and copy's mine.

It's a bit squiggly and not very clear but I think it's great

"that's amazing" I say making him grin and place down the pencil. He scratches behind his ear and leans behind him and snuggles into his pillow.

"tired" he mumbles into the pillow and curls into a ball and drifts off to sleep.

"... Dose he do that a lot?" Ned asks confused.

"do what?"

"like, go to sleep. Randomly"

"oooooooooooooh! Yeah" I say realising what he meant. I shrug like it's normal. "we can work on that"

"good plan"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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