Chapter 1

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The roars of the East High crowd were deafening as Rocket Man's shot passed through the hoop. People clambered down from the bleachers to reach the players to congratulate them on their win. Chad Danforth was also one of those players although he wasn't quite paying attention to them.

He slapped Troy on the back along with Zeke and Jason as he passed through the crowd towards a certain somebody. He nodded at everyone as he passed them, thanking them for their congratulations before he reached the person he had been planning to seek out all game.

Just as Ryan Evans removed the head of the mascot costume he was crushed into a tight hug by his boyfriend Chad. Chad pulled away grinning as his eyes shone with affection. Ryan smiled back just as Chad leaned in and pressed a loving kiss to his lips. When he pulled away Ryan was sporting that gorgeous smile of his.

"Congratulations, Wildcat. You played amazing tonight," he said, grinning sweetly.

"Only 'cause I had the best mascot cheering me on," Chad stated, wrapping his arms around Ryan's waist. "But honestly, man, how were you breathing in this thing?"

"No idea. And if I'm being honest I'm feeling a little disgusting right now." Chad chuckled as he took notice that Ryan was indeed quite sweaty.

"I swear you shouldn't have took that bet," he said and Ryan nodded.

"Trust me I'm starting to realize that now," he muttered as Gabriella and Taylor made their way over to them. Both girls were beaming with pride at the win tonight and greeted both boys with tight hugs.

"Chad, you and Troy played amazing! I'm so proud of the both of you," Gabriella gushed, throwing a glance to where her boyfriend was currently talking with his father.

"She's right, I swear I've never seen you guys play so hard. You too, Ryan. Didn't know it was possible to do somersaults in a costume," Taylor admired and Ryan let out a breathy laugh.

"Honestly I surprised myself with that too. But it was totally worth it," he chuckled as Chad threw an arm around his shoulder.

"So are you guys still gonna head to Troy's place later?" Gabriella asked, looking between the two.

"Definitely. Also, Ryan, I was planning on riding back with Troy. Do you wanna come 'cause if you do we can make room for you in the truck-"

"No it's fine; Kelsi offered me and Martha a ride earlier before the game started. I'll just get cleaned up and meet you there," he replied. Chad nodded and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek.

"Alright, I'll see you later." He pulled away and said goodbye to both Gabriella and Taylor as well before making his way towards the locker room. Once he reached it he was engulfed in the cheers of his teammates as he joined them in their rejoice of their win.


Chad grunted as he gave another hefty push to the back of Troy's truck.

"I can't believe you have me pushing this thing again," he grumbled as Troy let out an exasperated sigh beside him.

"Hush, we're almost there anyways," Troy shot back. Sure enough, they only had to push the damn thing for a couple more feet before they stopped in front of Troy's house while narrowly dodging a tree in the process. Chad huffed and stood upright as Troy made his way to the driver's side to put the truck in park. Troy closed the door afterwards and was met with a glare from Chad. He shrugged and gave him a weak grin.

"I'm saving for a new fuel pump," he stated.

"Mm-hm, save faster," Chad mumbled as he made his way past Troy. He heard the boy chuckle behind him before he caught up to him and appeared at his side.

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