Taking up his offer she carefully got on his back wishing she wasn't so useless in the current situation she had gotten them in.

"You should rest. You're tired."

Rue was going to disagree. She got enough rest the night before and a little extra when he stayed outside. Despite that, she found him to be right. She was tired. Unable to stop herself she started to nod off as he carried her further into the wood and she hoped to the right location.

When she opened her eyes again, she had been jolted awake. It felt like she had fallen so in surprise she looked round to see herself surrounded by white snow again. But she was safe and warm sitting on something cover in fur. Something that was moving very fast through the snow and trees that surrounded her. Rue thought herself to be dreaming. It must be a dream. After all what she was riding on was a creature she was positive could not be real. And if it was, it would not be friendly enough to let her ride along on its back.

As it raced with her holding on it picked up speed once it was aware, she was holding on tight enough to manage how fast they were going. Not caring if it hurt the thing, she was on she clutched the fur as it jumped over fallen logs and around trees at a dazzlingly fast pace. Catching glimpses, she thought the head of the beast looked a little like a wolf. For a moment she thought she saw more than one head. All darting around letting out cackles of pure joy over being able to run free even with a small burden on its back. The more she looked the different the head or heads shifted and moved.

It has to be a dream Rue decided.

So she enjoyed it. She enjoyed the cool breeze on her face as they moved so quickly through the forest. She enjoyed how it jumped to impossible heights and the sounds and laughs it let out. Even her broken arm didn't hurt as she held on as tight as she could when the beast suddenly flipped and twisted in the air after launching itself from against a tree. Soon she found herself laughing with whatever creature she had befriended.

As much as she enjoyed the dream, she knew it had to come to an end. They were not meant to spend too much time together. She was human, and she wasn't. Deep down was a feeling that is she didn't wake up soon there was a chance she might not be able too. A small chance she would not be able to return to being human if she truly saw what she had befriended.

"is this the place?"

Stirring on Sable's back Rue raised her head looking around. In front of them stood a large and modern cabin. The outside of the building had been covered in logs but it really wasn't a cabin at all. It was a rich person's idea of a cabin. One with hot tubs and heated floors. Rue's grandmother had made it to be able to house all of her family to enjoy but once said family started to go after her money only, she had stopped inviting them over. It had been meant to be warm and comforting but now stood cold and lonely in Rue's eyes.

"Let's go in through the backdoor. Grandma is hard of hearing and always has the front locked. But I know where the back door key is." Rue explained.

Sable walked around with her still on his back. If they stood out front knocking, they could be there for days until her grandmother finally heard them. When they arrived to the back porch Rue was set down to see a set of tracks already there. Someone in her family had already come by and the back door wasn't fully closed behind then. She would have to scold them later when she went inside.

Just as she reached over to pull the siding patio door open Sable placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"Are you sure this is best? Do you have anywhere else you can go?" he asked softly and in the kindest tone he had ever used.

Friendless WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora