Part Two

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(Hello again. This is the first draft. If you see errors please comment and I will 100% fist them)

"Where are you from?" Rue asked after nearly an hour of silent traveling between the two of them.

"Far away." His deep voice replied.

As they walked Rue looked over at him out from the corner of her eyes. Even though he was much taller and could out pace her, he stayed behind in even well-paced steps. Once again as they passed by others no one looked at him. He was such an odd-looking man it was almost impossible for him not to be noticed or even bump into on the sidewalk. She didn't even see people try and walk around him.

"Are you... Even human?"

She didn't know why the question came out. Rue wasn't the type to believe in anything unnatural. She couldn't ignore how others couldn't see him and how he didn't even feel like he belonged in the world he was walking in. Sable was too tall and just too down right strange to truly exist.

He suddenly was interested by anything but her for a few minutes after the question was asked. But she hadn't answered anything about her broken arm so she wouldn't press him on more of a personal history he clearly wasn't willing to share.

Their walk was interrupted by small stops from Rue. At first it looked as if she was just trying to figure out where she was but Sable soon realized she was looking at the scenes around her. From the perfect lighting of a street sign in a puddle to the image of a child bending over to pet a patient dog. She would stop and take snap shots of her surroundings for later. If she had a camera the pauses would make more sense. When she noticed him looking, she hurried trying to get away from his gaze watching her stare intently at a pigeon cooing away on a power line.

"People get frustrated with me because I stop to look at stuff. My mother told me it takes me ten hours to finish a ten-minute walk."

"Aside from freezing to death, we are not in a hurry." Sable commented with a dismissive wave of his hand.

The snow hadn't gotten worst but the sky had started to darken quickly. They had started off fairly close to an entrance to a hiking trail through the woods. Rue knew it would be dangerous traveling through the woods if the snow started to come down or a storm passed through. But not willing to risk a phone call or using her card she led the tall man on. If they hurried, they could make it to a place where they could rest. But she was never the type to hurry and couldn't change that part of herself so fully in a matter of minutes.

She only gave some scenes some quick glances but when they entered the woods, she was getting more distracted. Forcing herself to be aware and keep going was difficult. Sable wasn't helping. He waited for her whenever she stopped to look at a fallen log or a rock formation covered with sticking snow. He was inhumanly patient with her.

Winter was not. Bigger flecks of snow started to come down through the trees. The woods became loud of blowing wind that cut through Rue's coat and chilled her down to her core. A storm she had hoped would pass by them was rolling in making her choices look even more foolish by the second.

When she looked behind her to see if Sable was angry, he just gave her a trusting look. The man was big and gruff and most likely could take down a bear if threatened but he flashed her a smile so quickly she thought her eyes was playing tricks on her. For some reason the man trusted her. Even if he had plans to harm her, he would be stuck out in the woods as well in a location he was new too. It would be dangerous to hike back without her in the dark, or even during the day after the snow fell.

"There is a place where we can rest. But it's still a little bit of a walk." She told him jamming her good hand into her pocket for warmth.

"I'm trusting you little one just as much as you're trusting me."

Friendless WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora