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(I have only edited the way I worded this, so it may be different if you are rereading it, but not by much)

Faith's POV:

Carl. The only name that keeps me going. Carl. I miss him. I miss seeing him every morning, eating breakfast with him. Hangin' out every afternoon. I mean, if it wasn't for this, I wouldn't even know who Carl Grimes is. But I met him on the high way, where i ran away with Sofia and her mom since my parents died long ago, where he was with his mom, but believed his dad was dead. I remember his tears as he ran towards his dad as he came out of that moving truck at the camp we set up in the mountains.

I remember the camp got over run, and we left toward the highway. Then the herd came. Sofia ran from the walkers and I followed, also getting chased by walkers. She was my best friend, I couldn't leave her. But instead I left Carl, the only boy who still has my heart, even if he doesn't know.

I left him under that car. And I haven't seen him since. But I will not give up until I find him. Sofia and I split up months ago. I was ten when the dead came to life. I'm now 14. Carl would be 15 now.

I was broke out of my thoughts by walkers coming through the trees. I started to run, but tripped. I fell and twisted my ankle. I looked ahead, hoping to see Carl, as if he could be right in front of me, but I saw a prison. A prison filled with people; no walkers on the inside.

I started to jog as fast as I could toward the prison, hoping to get help, then set off to find Carl. I couldn't stop looking, but I had to get my ankle fixed if I wanted to find Carl so I could run into his arms.

I came to the gates where a man in what looked like a farm structure saw me, and ran to see who I was.


He looked a lot like Rick... but with a bigger beard. I felt myself getting tired, not knowing what the man was saying. I finally gave away to the darkness pulling at me...

Hey, so I'm watching TWD and it's like season two, and I was like, WHAT IF SOFIA WASN'T ALONE WHEN SHE LEFT?! So I came up with this, and sorry if I don't get the exact wording right, just a heads up... Oh yeah!
*= "Who are you? Are you okay? Faith?!"

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