"You ready?"

"If you are." I put down my bag, he got ready to start, as did I. He turned to me, "let's go."

I ran at him, he dodged and went to punch me. I kicked him back, then dodged flames. I made him float, pushed him back, then released and pinned him to the ground. He kicked out my leg and reversed the positions. I looked up at him, out of breath, he looked down at me.

"Good. You got closer that time."

"Yeah, I know. You need to teach me how to do that."

"I will." He kept looking at me, "sorry." He mumbled, then got up. I smiled a little and followed. The door opened, I looked over and saw Toga. "Just in time."

"Why did you want me to come down here?"

"You're going to fight each other."


"To give you a little more experience with different fighting styles. You know mine, try hers."


Toga smiled and pulled out a knife. She ran at me and went to slash my arm. I twisted the knife away from her, then shoved her back. She pulled out another blade and went to stab me, I grabbed her wrist, her back, then slammed her into the ground, pinning her there.

"That old move?" She grumbled.

"Where did you learn that?"

"I have no idea." I released Toga, "I just did it."

"That's weird."

Toga stood up and went over to Dabi.

"Agreed... maybe I just knew it before and my body just remembered it somehow."

"Yeah, that's probably it... anyway, you did a good job. Honestly at this point you can probably take down most pros alone."

"Great." I smiled.

"Toga, you can go."

"Okay. See you guys later."

"See you later." When she left, I looked back at Dabi. "Again?"

"Yeah." This time he went to punch me, I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back. He moved away and kicked me back. He shot flames at me, I moved out of the way and ran at him. He kept me back momentarily with his quirk, then I continued and used my quirk on him. I pushed him into the ground and pinned him there. Again, he revered the positions and looked down at me again. It was silent for a minute, then he reached down and kissed me. My eyes widened slightly, then closed as I kissed him back. We continued like that for a minute, then he got up and went back to the door. I sat up and looked at him, "you should get some rest. We have training tomorrow."

"Okay." I got up and grabbed my bag, then went to the stairs. "See you later." I walked in and went up to my apartment. I went to my room and laid on the bed with a sigh.

In the morning I woke up to knocking on the door. "Come in."

The door opened and Dabi looked in, "hey, there's a problem with pros at one of the other hideouts. Wanna come with?"

"Yeah, sure. Give me a minute."

"Kay." He turned and left, I got up and got changed. When I was done I walked out of my apartment and went with Dabi down to one of the cars. We drove to the location and parked a few blocks away so no one saw us. We got out and went to the fight.

"Ochako, mask."

"Yeah, I know." I put on the mask, then ran into the fight. I punched a police officer that was about to cuff a villain, then turned and looked around. I saw a hero in black and orange fighting a villain and went in to help. He saw me and caused an explosion, I jumped back, then went from another way. He dodged the villain he was already fighting, I kicked him back, then pinned him down. He glared up at me. "Hi."

BNHA After SchoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora