chapter twenty-five

Start from the beginning

"Why are you drinking the stream's water? I think it tastes horrible. You should try ours, it's already boiled," Sabito suggested, "come with us. Are you hungry?"

I nodded embarrassed.

Sabito walked up to me with a small smile. He patted my head and for a momment, all my problems washed away. 

"Let's get you cleaned up too."

We climbed the mountain and by the time we made it to the top it was almost noon. I could see a person standing in front of a small cottage with his arms crossed. He didn't look happy. 

"What were you 2 doing?! Skipping training is foolish!" He scolded the both of them, but softened once he saw me.

"And you are?"

"Y/N," i replied.

I was invited to stay with them temporary which I usually just helped with some basic chores. I would often stop and watch sabito and giyuu training when i finish, and sometimes learn some from the sensei himself. During the first week of the stay, i told everything to the boys and sensei. They brought me in and i couldn't thank them enough.

I found the training pretty good, and would always beat Giyuu, but never to the point of beating Sabito. Our friendship grew quickly, but it only lasted for a year. I struggled to do the water breathing and so i was forced to separate from the boys, and that's how i ended up with Jigoro. I was hesitant at first, but eventually complied. I found Thunder breathing easier for me, and throughout the years i eventually forgot about Giyuu and Sabito completely.

Fast forward to the final selection, ever since i saw Giyuu, I could feel a surge of electricity run to my spine. I knew him, but I didn't. I would crossed paths with him and Sabito, along with another girl during the challenge several times, but my mind couldn't put itself on them.

That is until i saw Sabito getting crushed by the giant demon from afar. That was when i recognized him. My body couldn't move, and the eyes of the pink male that bored right through me before he died was shot straight through my head. We finally reunited, but it was at the wrong time. Fate was already written for us, and his had ended right before my eyes. 

I spent the rest of the selection killing as much demons as i could, but i never went near the demon who killed Sabito. I just couldn't. I remembered the face of Giyuu, losing 2 of his friends, but he had me right? Wrong, he probably didn't even remember me. I contemplated many times whether i should approach him, but never did. He needed to mourn and i needed to move on. I tried my best to avoid the male, but it was impossible. Out of all the odds, i was paired with him on my first.

I decided to just act clueless, act as if i've never had a childhood with him. But eventually i knew Giyuu remembered me. I should've known what we were already tied together, and him and i are inevitable from each other.


"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" someone was shouting my name, but i tried to ignore it. My body shook and eventually i came back to my senses. Slowly opening my eyes, the worried face of Giyuu and Tanjirou was washed with relief. I was immediately pulled into a tight hug. It didn't take long for me to return it, feeling Giyuu in my arms.

"Why didn't you say anything? You knew me during the final selection, yet you didn't say a word," I sobbed into his shoulder. The feeling of everything was very overwhelming. Giyuu rubbed my back repeatedly, and hugged me tighter.

"I'm sorry, i was just-" Giyuu paused and released from the embrace, "you scared me to death. You were out cold for a long time."

It's clear that he didn't want to talk about it now. Why of all time did all these memories come back?

I got up with the help of Giyuu and Tanjirou, standing for a momment to steady my balance. looking around, the demon we were fighting off was gone, and both the boys were all injured pretty badly. Guilt washes over me remembering that i probably blacked out for fight. I clenched my fist in disgust. I was mad at myself. I could've helped then, and here i am again, weak. Always somebody having to finishing the job for me. 

Tanjirou must've noticed.

"Don't beat yourself too hard. You fought a lot, and without your help we probably wouldn't be able to defeat him," Tanjirou smiles reassuringly. I mustered a weak smile and gave the younger a tight hug.

Of course, i need to make sure Tanjirou feels alright. I have to atleast be a role model. I need to be brave so he wouldn't have to worry. I am a thunder pillar for a reason.

A/N, this is a short chapter but happy new years my beautiful readers !!! have a great 2021 !! ILYSM

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