Haunted house 2

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Gavins POV
Ok so we just got here we get the room and then Brian leaves there are only two bed but we all play on are phones and then I get a text from hay saying that she can come so I say ok and I doubt we're going to bed at all but I should tell coco and the girls
Gavin:coco txu and Lilly
The girls:yea
Gavin:hay can come
We all play on are phones and then coco gets a text and she says that she'll be back and for txu and Lilly to come and it's nighttime End of Gavins POV


Btw in this story they hate hay but she doesn't find out till later
And there also nowhere near Gavin so he couldn't hear them

Coco:I'll be right back txu and Lilly will you come with me cuz I'm scared
Coco:ok so hays here
Coco:Ik but let's just go get her
we go get hay and then walk back to the room me txu and Lilly go in the other room and make tiktoks and Hayley and Gavin are in the kitchen so it's been like 20 minutes and we go downstairs to see what Gavin and Hayley were doing when we get down stairs the power shuts of and Lilly and txu scream
Coco:it's fine we have are phones
Txu:oh yea let's go before anything happens
We all walk in the kitchen and sit down that's when I get a text from are group chat that only has me txu and Lilly
Txu:why does Hayley have to be here?
Coco:she doesn't have to she
Lilly:true she said that she couldn't come and then said she could
Coco:Lilly gots a point
Txu:I really don't want her here
Coco:I don't either
Lilly:I think there getting suspicious cuz are phones are blowing up and we're texting no stop
Coco:true so let's stop texting for right now
End of cocos POV Gavins POV
So me and hay were talking then the lights went out and txu and Lilly started to scream and then they came in the kitchen and sat down so me and hay just started talking again and then we hear the girls phones blow up so we ask who there texting
Gavin&hay:hey who are you guys texting
Coco:no one
Lilly:yea it's no one
Hay:Are yoy sure your phones are blowing up
Coco:yea we're sure Lilly and txu you wanna go upstairs
The girls go upstairs and me and hay look at each other and she breaks the silence and said
Hay:I think something is wrong with them they don't ever act like this
Gavin:yea your right
Hay:I'm starting to think they don't like me
Gavin:I doubt that's what's wrong
Hay:idk but let's go upstairs
We go upstairs and the girls are on there phone texting someone and then me and hay just sit down and talk about stuff cuz we have stuff to catch up on so we talk about that then the girls shut there phone and go downstairs
Hay:that was weird right
Gavin:yea Idk what's wrong with coco but I'm probably going to ask her tonight and tell you what she says tomorrow
Hay ok cuz there all acting really weird
Gavin:yea your right maybe there mad at someone
Hay:but who
Hay ok

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