Chapter: One Not so groovy smoothie

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The squad is at the groovy smoothie again waiting for Carly. Ughhh when is Carly gonna get here it's been half an hour says Sam. Freddie chimes in " I don't know but gibby can you go get us some blueberry smoothies". Oh sure thing what do you want Sam? Oh me says Sam I'll have the tropical tsunami. Sounds good says gibby after getting up and walking to the till. In walks Carly looking rather rough and covered in garbage. Hey Carl's oh my god what happened to you says Sam. Oh this it's cause I fell in a dumpster on the way here. Oh are you okay says Freddie. Ya I'm good Carly says but did you guys already order? Umm gibby is in line. Okay Carly walks over and starts chatting with gibby. Sam whispers to  Freddie, hey buddy I think gibby likes you. Freddie stares and says ummm I ya were like best friends. No Sam says not like that. Freddie's jaw drops to the floor, your joking Sam I -I don't think he does. Umm fredward do you see the way he looked into you poop brown eyes. Freddie's cheeks go bright red , Sam I know he doesn't feel that way but anyway I have to pee Freddie rushes to the bathroom. Inhale exhale inhale exhale goes the meditation app on Freddie's phone whew Freddie sighs and sits on the toilet. He mutters to himself how could you be that stupid Sam knows you like him urggggg. Buzz buzz goes Freddie's phone as the text from Carly lights up the screen she's says, smoothies are ready.oh shoot I forgot about that whatever I need a few more minutes thinks Freddie's. Freddie says sounds good be out in a minute. Inhale exhale Freddie washes his hands and leaves the bathroom. Gibby hands Freddie a smoothie cup and says here is you blueberry smoothie. Freddie takes the smoothie thanks gibby then sits down beside Sam. Buzz buzz another text lights up the screen it's from Freddie's mom: fredward benson where have you been! Uh oh guys gotta run see you tonight for iCarly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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