The Discovery

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  Street was having a normal conversation with Tan about their relationships about a week after the conversation he had with Chris, "Yeah dude, Bonnie has been complaining about her mom for weeks, ever sense we announced the engagement her mother hasn't left us alone. How's it going with you and Molly?". By now Street had forgotten all about the conversation with Chris so he didn't think to lie to Tan, "Not so good, man. Shes driving me nuts and I'm starting to regret the whole "I'm just gonna go for it" ordeal, I don't know how much more of it I can take but I'm trying to find the nicest way possible to tell her because I don't want her dad to stall my career". Tan was shocked, "Wow, I didn't know it was that bad, need help figuring out how to tell her?". Street never got to answer that question because Hondo came in the locker room to let them know they had an emergency situation down at city hall.

  After the mission, the whole team was exhausted. Tan knew Street was struggling but he was given confirmation earlier and he had to do something about it, he knows nobody knows Street better than Chris so he decided to ask her for help. "Chris, did Street tell you how bad his relationship was going? He told me earlier that the only reason its not over is because he is afraid Hicks will stall his career, we need to help him, I'm worried". Chris was completly taken aback, he lied to her, straight to her face. He has never lied to her before. Her response was cold but controlled, "He said that to you? Thats not what he told me". Tan replied with "Yes dude, he complained about her for an entire minute". Chris was furious but also a little worried for him, she was gonna let him hear it tomorrow.

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