1. Help! My Stalker's a Demon

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Eijirou had always been different. He grew up queer in a small, secluded town but it was more than that. 

He looked different too. He was his parents' biological child, but he looked nothing like them. Eijirou had flaming red hair- something nobody else in their family lineage had- and red eyes. For most of his childhood he went from doctor to doctor with his parents, trying to understand why his eyes were the beautiful cherry red they were. Years of test yielded no answers and it only got stranger as his baby teeth began to fall out. The teeth that grew in were sharp as knives with no explanation. 

When he was 6, his aunt tried to kill him. She was a very religious person and believed that god had told her to kill him because he was evil. Their story made the news paper and drew in the media. Before anyone could get pictures of Eijirou, the Kirishima family disappeared. Nobody knew where they were- not even family.

Unbenounced to the world, the Kirishima family had fled the country where they were known and traveled overseas to the USA. They hid. They hid in a small town in southeastern Kansas and, after a year, the family became citizens and lived like any other family.

Eijirou Kirishima grew up saying his hair was dyed and that he had a pigmentation disorder that made his eyes red. As for his teeth, there was no hiding them. 

So, he grew up being bullied but he grew up strong. He worked through his frustration in the gym and his mental strain with his parents. Over his life, he decided he wanted to be a doctor so he could help people get the answers he couldn't. 

While he was in college, he finally decided that he wanted to work in pediatrics rather than a general practice. When he was finished with college and residency, he got a solid job in the pediatric ward of a large hospital far from his old small town life.

In his first year, he had several amazing success cases and just as many losses. One loss, however, hit him much harder. Her name was Casey. She was eight years old and came in for a routine check up. Kirishima had been given her case but, in the matter of minutes, it was painfully obvious that Casey was very sick.

She was jaundiced and severely underweight: she was about the size of a six year old. She had bruises from playing, which wouldn't be abnormal if it weren't for how easily they appeared. She was drowsy and had a hard time concentrating. 

She was checked into the hospital minutes later and an hour later they found out her liver was failing. She was put on the registry but the chances were bad from the start; her blood type was O- and she was fading fast.

She died a month later, never having left the hospital. After her death, it came out that her parents had been neglecting her and had planned to let her fade away if it weren't for a concerned aunt. She was ten. Casey was an innocent ten year old girl that had done nothing than exist but apparently that was enough to condemn her in her parents' eyes! They saw her as evil and decided to let her die a slow and painful death all because she was born with ruby red hair and the tiniest flakes of rosey red in her green eyes.

Casey wasn't his first but god was she the hardest. Kirishima had talked to her every day. He spent his spare time making sure she was comfortable and telling her stories. Casey was a favorite patient for many of the nurses on the floor. At the end, they would read her stories every night, just in case she didn't wake up. She was a sweet girl. Before she was taken to the morgue, all her nurses and doctors stopped by to say one last goodbye.

A week later, Kirishima took a sabbatical. For the first two days, he sat in his apartment. Nothing else, just sat. Neither the TV or his phone were touched in those two days. He needed to be alone, to process. He knew he had gotten too close to the case. He knew that and he accepted it but he didn't think that one little girl could have changed him so much.

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