4. Cas Is An Artist?

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Castiel was always surprising Dean, and even more so Sam, who knew him less. But rarely could the angel make Dean's jaw drop; figuratively of course, especially since they had started dating.

That is, until the hunters discovered his artistic history.

Cas had always been an artist. even in heaven, he would take the clouds and make pictures. That's why we see shapes in the clouds now. Coming down to Earth, however, stopped the angel from creating art; a flaw in the design that slightly killed Cas inside.

It was one hunt, Michigan, the angel remembered, and it had been raining. Sam and Dean had gone inside a warehouse to investigate, leaving Cas outside alone. There was a patch of mud just beside the path, and a branch just next to it. The temptation was overwhelming, and finally Castiel gave in to his whims.

Picking up the branch, he quickly drew a small spiral, then another, then more. Soon after, he had created a kaleidoscope of shapes; an abstract work geared towards what the viewer wishes to see. He himself saw the night sky, full of stars and planets, defined by the swirls of dark abyss that the rain was quickly washing away.


The door to the warehouse flew open. Cas tottered backwards, trying to hide his work, but to no avail.

"Cas, did you draw that?" Sam gestured towards the now footprint-spotted mud.

"Y-yes," the angel stuttered. He knew he should not be this nervous, but the thought of his new-found family finding out his secret terrified him.

"Cas, buddy, that's brilliant." Dean stepped towards him. "Can- can I look?"

Castiel nodded hesitantly, and stepped away.

"Dude, that's friggin' awesome." Dean chuckles. "My boyfriend's an artist. Sweet." He turned to Cas now; "although now this means I get extra special birthday cards, otherwise, I know you're slacking."

Cas just smiled, "of course Dean."

{A/N: I should really stop apologizing for not updating and just update more.

But wow, it got really deep there for a second. Sorry.

Also I really like the idea of angels being the ones to make the shapes in the clouds. I think it's really cute and just a nice thought in general.}

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