Chapter 31

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Its afternoon.
Date tech didn't play against karasuno
Only against some schools that i didn't know
They all lost
Expect nekoma
They won.
The cats. In a red uniform
I recognized the Nintendo guy
He tried to play Nintendo at lunch today but the taller guy, who i think is the captain, took the nintendo and i didn't see it since.
Well thats probably why he looks so pissed.

I now know that date tech is good, but not the best.
I mean its the first time they played against nekoma
It may have been luck

This is still a training camp
If my team was perfect, we wouldn't be here.

Well i should stop thinking about practice
Its dinner time and the boys are exhausted
Some still talk about the games while others cant even hear the word volleyball anymore
And its still the first day.

Aone didn't talk to me yet.
I sit in front if him and we look at each other
"you were great today"
Aone looks at his food
And takes some on his spoon but then lets it fall back on the plate again
"you wanted to talk to me?"
Aone nods and we make eye contact
He still seems a little sad
"look i really didn-"
"not here. Ill take you outside after dinner"
Its was so loud but now its suddenly quiet
Im scared i did something wrong
I nod and look back at my food

I ate as much as i could and so did the boys
I told them to with my most serious look
I dont want them to pass out while practice because they didn't eat or drink enough (and so should you! eat and drink! ~author)
I think thats one of the most important things here

Aone took me by my hand and led me outside
Through the crowd of tired boys and coaches
Into the fresh air

We look at each other
Till aone breaks the silence by speaking up
"i love you  [y/n]"
"i love you too"
I look down
He are holding both hands
"aone you really should focus on volleyball right now.
I know there was much stuff in the past weeks but now its time to think about yourself
You have helped me so often and stayed by my side when i needed you
Please don't forget about yourself
Its time for me to support you"
I know aone wanted to talk but i just had to get that off my chest
I smile at him
"i dont want the whole attention
I know its nice that you showed interest in me and gave me attention and now look at you,,, you're stuck with me! Forever!"
He smiles back
"and i think... I wouldn't be happier without you."
" [y/n] do you wa-"
I mean yes but not now. Wait please
Don't think about me
I love you with all my heart and i know its important but you are more important right now"
Aone looks i little shooked but the shook turns into a smile fast
A happy shook
I guess shooks aren't always bad

"i understand" he says
I get up on my toes and he leans a little down to kiss me"
And then we hug

"you definitely need to shower
Stinky boy"
Aone looks down on himself and laughs
"dont look at me like that
ill shower tomorrow i didn't do anything but get some balls and look after bottles!"
Aone nods
"and then get a full night of sleep!
I really want to see 100 % of you tomorrow!
I already sound like the best manager don't i!"
Aone looks at me with the most lovely smile  while walking back into the building

Every time i remember that smile,
I have butterflies in my tummy

oh aone, a aone x reader ffWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt