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HYESU [H&M/ACTRESS] :: we'll be performing are song from earlier this year, i'm your girl

MISUN [H&M/ACTRESS] :: along with a special horror christmas performance

MARY-JANE [HOST] :: ah yes the performance i heard was supposed to be performed earlier but was pushed back due to a lazy author

SEOLHYUN [HOST] :: let's see your stage!

[ euna : misun , minju : hyesu ]

the hosts walk back on stage

SEOLHYUN [HOST] :: the staff told us to fill in time while they change

MARY-JANE [HOST] :: it could've been us

SEOLHYUN [HOST] :: *laughs* we weren't even a thought

MARY-JANE [HOST] :: sadly, that's true

SEOLHYUN [HOST] :: gladly

MARY-JANE [HOST] :: to help the fans out, i'll answer a question they must've been waiting for. and no H&M won't be having an actual comeback

SEOLHYUN [HOST] :: they'll be focusing on their acting careers, so don't worry

lights start to fade

SEOLHYUN [HOST] :: that's our que!

MARY-JANE [HOST] :: i was expecting a jolly performance, but this is actually better

SEOLHYUN [HOST] :: it made me remember why you're actors

H&M :: thank you!

SEOLHYUN [HOST] :: hyesu, you filmed another video for tonight right? and misun you also did?

HYESU [H&M/ACTRESS] :: yep, i've prepared a cover

MISUN [H&M/ACTRESS] :: and i've prepared an interview

MARY-JANE [HOST] :: *sarcastic* oh how fun. well before that, let's have you guys send New Years messages to the fans

HYESU [H&M/ACTRESS] :: i want to thank everyone for supporting me even if you are a new fan or an old fan and i hope to continue working to be able to prove that you should be supporting me. i have much in store for next year *wink* happy new year!

MISUN [H&M/ACTRESS] :: i give a simple message.. thank you for your support and a happy new year!

SEOLHYUN [HOST] :: as emerald wants to keep at least some mystery to their trainees, they aren't here to talk before their cover performance

MARY-JANE [HOST] :: we were told to wish you a happy new year on their behalf.

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