"Hey, big brother." I waved, and smiled at him.

"Is that a dog with you?" Tori asked.

"Aw, look at the puppy." Cat said.

"He's cute, huh?" Beck asked.

"So cute." Tori smiled.

"Is he yours?" Andre asked.

"Nah, I'm watching it for my neighbor while she's at her cheerleading practice." Beck said.

"You and your sister live next to a cheerleader?" Andre asked.

"We do." We replied in unison.

"Figures. I live next door to a one legged old man who throws lemons at me." Andre said.

I frowned. "That's sad." I said.

"So, what's up?" Beck asked.

"Tori's planes late." Andre replied.

"I don't get home till almost midnight." Tori added

"But we gotta write the script for Gradstein's class." Beck pointed out.

"Yeah, so we gonna do it here over video chat." I said.

"Oh, sounds good." Beck says, as he sat the puppy down.

"Alright. I will type." Tori said.

"Cat, read the assessment." Andre said.

"Kay-Kay," Cat replied while grabbing her notebook. "It says... Write a single sence between 7 and 10 pages, the scene must involve a mystery.. Ooh. Use at least 3 characters, and have a surprise plot twist." Cat read.

"Got it." Beck said.

"We can do that." Andre said.

"Easy." I said.

"Ideas?" Tori asked.

"Hey, you guys wanna hear a cute joke?" Cat asked.

"A joke?" Andre asked.

"Yeah, listen... Okay. What did the young shrimp when he wouldn't share any of his toys?" Cat asked.

Oh god, I'm gonna regret this. I smiled, and answered, "What?" I asked.

"Sorry, I'm a little shellfish," Cat said, and began to laugh with us just staring at her. "Get it? Cause shrimp are very self-centered."

"I- I think the joke is "shellfish," sounds like "selfish" Tori said.

"Oh my god! That's even funnier," Cat laughed again, and we just countied to stare her. "Okay, back to the script."

"Hey, what if our script is about a kid who goes into the closet to look for something, and-" Tori started.

Tori was cut off by Robbie requesting to join the chat. I love Robbie like a brother, but we really need to focus. Tori groaned, and rolled her eyes.

"What? Who is that?" Andre questioned.

"Robbie's requesting to join our chat." Tori replied.

Everyone seemed annoyed, but Tori accepted him anyway.

"Hey." Robbie said.



"Hey Rob."

"Hola, Robster." I waved.

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