
Arriving at the Garrison, she went straight to the bar, up to Grace. "You know where Tommy is?" She asks looking at the Irish woman. "He's your brother isn't he?" Grace replies, "I'm not in the mood for your fucking games, where is he?" Charlotte glares, "I don't know, he left over an hour ago." Grace shrugs, "found your other sister though" Grace adds pointing to the door where Ada was looking frantic, rushing over to them. "Have either of you seen Freddie? Freddie Thorne?" Ada asks. "No" Grace and Charlotte reply. "Tommy?" Ada asks, hissing holding her stomach. "Not been here in over an hour." "Haven't seen him since this morning."

"I have to find both of them. Or one of them." Ada says, "drink this first" Grace says handing her some water, "I have to find them. I think they're going to kill each other." Ada says drinking it, "Freddie and Tommy? Tommy and Freddie? Oh for fucks sake. I'll go find them, you stay here, try and relax, take care of this." Charlotte says handing her sister the bag and storming out of the pub. Heading towards the cut, if they were trying to kill each other, they'd find each other there, it was their special place before the war. When they were bestfriends, they used to jump in and see who could swim across the fastest.

Sprinting down towards the cut, she takes the backroads, the shortest route to get there. When she arrives, she sees Tommy lowering his gun, he said something, then walked off, in her direction.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Tommy asks harshly upon seeing her stood there, "I could ask you the same thing. Ada came frantically running into the Garrison, claiming you and Freddie were trying to kill eachother." Charlotte says. "She's not mistaken. I should shoot the bastard." Tommy tells her, his jaw clenched. "Did you shoot the paddy from the black swan?" Charlotte asks, "What Paddy?" Tommy replies, "don't you dare try to play fucking dumb with me Thomas." Charlotte seethes, "I know about the Paddy, but it weren't me. It weren't us. How do you know about the Paddy?" Tommy returns, "funny story actually, about half an hour ago i was cornered by some blokes from the IRA, asking if it were the peaky blinders who shot him... that's not all. They asked about guns. A robbery from the BSA. What fucking guns Thomas Shelby?" Charlotte exclaims, "and if you're going to open your mouth to say some dumb ass fucking lie or excuse, keep it shut. Ive had enough of your misogynistic crap." She adds seeing him open his mouth. "I know about the guns... it was a mix up. We stumbled across them, got some luck." Tommy shrugs, "luck! You're calling it luck!? When you've got the IRA, the communists, the coppers, Billy Kimber all breathing down our fucking necks." Charlotte says throwing her arms in the air. "Perhaps... but we have the advantage.. we have the guns. Noones gonna find them unless we want them too." Tommy tells her. "When were you going to tell me? I understand not telling the others, but why not me?" Charlotte questions, "the more you know, the more danger you're in." Tommy answers, "I'm in enough danger as it fucking is, I can live with that. But I need to know why the fuck I'm danger." Charlotte tells him, "do you trust me?" Tommy says and she nods, "with my life. So why can't you trust me?" she says looking hurt. "It ent about not trusting you Lotts. It's just business." Tommy says. "We used to tell each other everything... you remember that. I do... Why so many secrets now? I've never said a word to anyone before." Charlotte tells him. "Of course I remember it Lottie. It's just different now... this information, it can get you hurt.. and your safety isn't something I wish to jeopardise." Tommy replies, "it doesn't matter what the fuck I know Thomas, don't you get that? I'm female, they see me as the weakest, they're always going to come for me. Not telling me stuff won't change that. And I'd rather know what the fuck I'm being questioned about. Rather than being as clueless as everyone else" Charlotte scoffs, "Lottie.. I can't promise I'll tell you everything, but I'll tell you more. You got a big brain in there, might help me sometime" Tommy teases. "Okay." She nods. "So we good?" he asks and she replies by hugging him. "I think that's a yes" he smirks. "It's a yes. Idiot." she grumbles pulling away.

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