Well Now This is Embarrassing. For Me Not You.

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It's been a while huh?

Haven't touched this book in almost half a year. Well since I last wrote that previous chapter and ended it there.

To this day whenever I DO glance at Wattpad, I see you guys are still reading this. Regardless if just a peek at the first chapter, binge-reading all the way through (Came back to over 100 notifications of different people voting on every chapter), skipping like 5 whole parts and ending up half way in. Seems like you really enjoyed this.

By now the total reads is either still 99.9k or 100 thousand.

My FIRST book where I dived in and tried my hand at writing a story. 

Personally comparing the first few chapters of this book to the other things I write...honestly this is trash.

Now to explain, I judge my own choices. Including what I end up writing even if it's just for myself to read later. Being my own critique, while DEFINITELY having more points, I'll just tell the main ones bugging me:

1. I completely left out one of the main protagonists I intended to pair with someone else throughout a majority of this book. I really had them living in the same house and managed to write it out like one forgot the other existed until I write them in with a generic entrance dialogue.

2. The insert 2nd protagonist is not even lowkey, getting a harem on the side. I mean as long as who you date is okay with sharing you then I mean alright but still, I fucked it up not even midway through this book.

3. There's hardly any character development besides maybe 2 or 3 out of the rest of the unimportant cast. One of them wasn't even suppose to be as recurring and yet here we are. 

I GOT more trust me. While I appreciate the positive comments and DMs, I do know there are some up sides. Not perfection, but good enough for me:

1. The way I write while trying to elaborate on every last detail is at least showing that I wanted to give visuals, with and without uploading actual images. I think I might have helped add a bit more life in some areas in a few chapters. Feel free to correct met there if this whole book felt dead.

2. Though I'm not drop dead funny, I think I gave some people out there a couple chuckles by adding a bit of humor. I tend to try and make scenes out by making it more serious or dramatic to a degree. Ehhhh. Still fun to try here and there.

3. Most of my chapters aren't filled with misspellings and grammar mistakes. I know some people out there would say "I'm new don't hate." but I mean..3 months later and that same book hasn't been checked nor fixed in the meantime. I get it, having trouble finding the words to write out a scene. Hell just how would one write a whole paragraph under this shit can feel foreign or almost like you need to write a damn essay and you're not even in school. 

BUT, after writing that one chapter take this as a personal tip for yourself: Re-read the whole finished draft and look for corrections needed to be made (misuse of words like there or they're, one or three words you misspelled in one line of dialogue for that one character, etc.) 

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