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"I'm gonna miss you," I whisper in Judd's ear, hugging him tightly. He chuckles, tightening his arms slightly.

"It's two days, baby. Go enjoy time with your mom," he assures, my head nodding. I've lived with my mom my whole life, my dad passing away when I was fairly young. He was in the military, so he died fighting for our country. My mom never remarried or dated anyone so it's been me and her ever since.

"Okay, okay," I say, giving him one last kiss before I walk to my terminal. My mom lives in Sacramento, while we're going to school in Los Angeles.

When I land, I run straight to my mom and give her a hug. I haven't seen her since Christmas. A lot of time has passed since Judd and I started dating, and now we're nearing the end of our senior year. Judd visited with me during our Christmas break and needless to say, my mom loves him. It's hard not to.

"How are you Lex?" she asks, squeezing me extra tight.

"I'm good, I'm good. How are you?" I grin, walking with her towards her car.

"Very good. I still love my job," she smiles, and I laugh. She works as a teacher at a school for children with special needs. I admire her more than anyone because she does everything she can to give the children the best education she can.

She drives us home, making small talk as we do. I text Judd that I'm home and he tells me he's happy I'm safe.

"How's the boy?" she teases, nudging my shoulder.

"He's good. Really good," I blush and she smiles at me.

"I miss him. He should have come," she tells me, and I wish I could tell her he was.

"He had a meeting with a few NFL people. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the whole thing," I explain, and she starts going on about it.

"I can't believe you found a guy who's going to play in the NFL. Did you know that before you started dating?" she asks, and I shake my head.

"I knew he was good. Just not, that good. Besides, I don't think he's told a lot of people," I say, and she steers into our driveway. It's a tiny house, only two bedrooms. But it's enough for us.

"It's good to be quiet about that stuff. Don't know what people might want from you when they find out," she explains, and I completely agree. Judd had already informed me he's changing his number if he gets signed.

I found it to be a good idea.

"So how was your spring break?" she asks as we get into the house. She starts a pot on the stove, always knowing I love tea.

"It was good. Judd's friends ended up joining us, along with Margo and Isla. It was so fun to go," I tell her. We had taken a trip to South Carolina. It was much quieter there and we figured going to Florida would not be a good idea with how many people usually go there. It was far less busy in South Carolina.

"That's fun. I'm glad you had a good time," she tells me, and I nod. I go into the living room and see her cat on the couch, my hands lifting her onto me. She named him Jax, and I could not tell you why. But he's fairly calm and is a good cuddler.

"Are you seeing anyone?" I ask, taking a seat on the couch.

"No. I don't think I ever will. I've met a few men but none of them really stuck out to me. I guess that's what happens," she says, handing me a mug.

"When what happens?" I wonder, her body sitting on the chair.

"Well, you see, when I met your father, it was almost instant. You know, that attraction and feeling. He never wanted to be away from me, and I, him. We just always wanted and needed to be with each other. So when he left for his first tour, it was horrible on both of us. But it was dream to fight for our country, and I always supported him," she explains, my head nodding to encourage her to keep talking.

"You see, after you lose someone you love almost more than yourself, you don't see anyone that way anymore. I'm sure there are people that can move on, but I can't think of it. My heart will always be his," she states, my lips curving.

"That's beautiful," I tell her, and she smiles at me.

"That's all that I ask for with you, is that you find that man. And if I'm being completely honest, I think you have," she grins, and I blush. The butterflies in my stomach erupt just thinking about Judd. He takes such good care of me and I'd be a fool to let him go. 

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