Chapter One: The Blackout

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It's snowing outside and Archie is practicing his guitar in his room when the power goes out. He puts his guitar down and makes his way to the kitchen, getting a flashlight from under the cupboard. Looking out the window, Archie sees that the entire block is dark. Knowing that Betty is home alone, he grabs his coat and heads over to her house.

Betty, wrapped up in a blanket, hears a knock at her door and is happy to see it's Archie, relieved that she won't be alone in the dark, but also somewhat apprehensive. The last time they saw each other, they had kissed, putting their respective relationships with Jughead and Veronica in jeopardy.

Betty takes a deep breath and then opens the door. "Archie! Boy am I glad to see you," she says with faux enthusiasm.

Archie, not sure whether she's being genuine, says, "Hey Betty. I just wanted to make sure you were okay over here."

"Yea. I'm fine. Thanks, Archie."

"Um. Do you want me to stay until the power comes back on?" Archie asks. He's torn between wanting her to say yes and no. Ever since their kiss, all he's wanted is to kiss her again, but they hadn't talked about it and he was afraid she didn't feel the same way.

"That'd be nice," Betty responds, stepping aside to let him through the doorway. She's not sure she wants him there, but she also doesn't want to be alone in the dark.

They make their way to the kitchen table, where Betty has lit several candles to brighten the room. Archie leans on the table, trying to figure out how to break the awkward silence. Eventually, he says, "Sooo...are you and Jughead going to the Winter Ball next week?"

"Why are you bringing up Jughead?" Betty asks, immediately on the defensive.

"I'm just making conversation, Betty," Archie says.

"No you're not. You're trying to talk about me and Jughead and about me and you."

Knowing she's right but not wanting to admit it, Archie says, "Forget it. It's freezing in here. I'll start a fire." Archie gathers wood from beside the fireplace and arranges it. Once lit, he sits down in front of the fire, then turns to Betty and pats the empty spot beside him. "C'mon Betty, I know you're cold."

"Fine," Betty sighs. To Archie, it seems like Betty is begrudgingly making her way over to him, but really, she is trying to avoid getting too close because she doesn't know if she'll be able to stop herself from acting on what her heart has slowly come to want again since their kiss.

Betty sits beside him. "Thanks for the fire."

Archie turns to her and can't help but looking longingly into her eyes. "Betty, I'd do anything to make sure you're okay."

Those words and the way he looked at her was enough for Betty to give in, and she leans in and kisses him. Archie puts his hand at the back of her head and pulls her close.


Jughead is at Pop's grabbing dinner with his father, Sheriff FP Jones, when the power goes out. Unphased and never one to leave food on his plate, Jughead continues eating his burger. Pops tells everyone not to worry and goes to turn on the generator.

While waiting it out, FP gets a call over the police radio – a serial killer, Harrison Parker, has taken advantage of the blackout and escaped from prison when the prison's generator failed to turn on.

"I've gotta go, Jughead. You stay here," FP says as he rushes out.

Betty, Jughead thinks to himself once his dad's words sink in. She's home alone. He tries to call her, but the cell towers must be down because he can't get through. With FP already gone, Jughead rushes out to his motorcycle and is getting ready to ride off when Veronica pulls up, having come to check on La Bonne Nuit.

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