Chapter 12 - Sophie POV

Start from the beginning

"Why do we have to be so secretive about me? I mean, its not like we're any different."

"What do you mean?" I asked, stepping away from the door and onto one of the three old chairs stored away in here. There are three chairs, all pushed next to each other tightly and on the other side of the closet was a small twin sized bed for kids about the age of 7.

"I mean, I know your different, but everyone here is still human. You guys just have more technology and for some reason decided to hide it from the rest of us."

I just starred at her in shock. Biana really hasn't told her anything, but why?

"Uh, yeah. What were you and Biana talking about?"

"She was asking me about how I got here. Kept muttering about my eyes."

"Well, they do stand out."

"Why!? Did something happen to them when the light beam thing happened?" She asked, nervous and angry.

"No. Just no one here has green eyes."

Now it was the girls turn to stare at me in shock.

"Wait, so what color eyes do you have? Blue and brown? Cause Biana had blue, right?"

"Biana has a shade of blue, yes. But actually its only blue."

"So why are you here?"

I sighed. "Long story."

"I've got time." She said, leaning back on the small bed.

"Well, I don't. I actually know all the people here and if I left or disappeared randomly, things would not be pretty."

"If anyone got captured it wouldn't be pretty. Can I ask you a question?" She asked, sitting up again.


"Why does everyone act like your so important?"

"What?" I asked, generally confused.

"I mean, that Dex boy looked like he was following your orders, and then Biana did everything you said and even looked a little nervous near you." The instant the girl said that, I felt guilty and hurt for scarring Biana. But she continued anyway. "And if those two follow you that way, I'm guessing others do as well."

"I'm sorry, but I can't fully answer your question. All I can say is that I'm part of some group."

"I already know that. After you left Biana said to be careful with you, and then something else about you being powerful. So, what I want to know is what kind of power you have. Are you in control of something? Part of the government? Or is it a secret?"

"I can't tell you that either."

"Oh come on!" The girl exclaimed, falling backwards on the bed. "Who am I going to tell? Look, I don't know who owns the place, but if your so powerful I'm gonna assume its your dad. Now, lets say your dad does comes in here, its not like-"

"My dad doesn't own the place, Biana's father does. Me and my parents need a place to stay for a couple weeks while our house gets rebuilt."

"I think you mean a couple months."

"No, weeks. The house is almost finished anyway so I'm guessing I only have one more week to stay."

"Biana mentioned your name, but I forgot it."


We sat in silence, and I let her process everything. I figured it would be hard for her to take in, just like it was hard for me.



"My name, it's Alice."


"Sophie, why do I have to hide?"

"Because of your eyes."

"But there are contacts! I mean, your technology is different, but I could learn to use it!" Alice said, starting to panic.

"Whats different?" I asked.


"Earlier, you were acting so tough and confident, now you look scarred. Why?"

"Because everything is so different. I mean, I'm in someone's house that I don't even know!"

I sat there just staring for a minute, thinking about Amy. AMY!

"What about your family?"

"What about my family?" Alice asked, getting defensive.

"If you have family members its going to make things more complicated, they may not be safe if your here."

"Well, I wouldn't bother."


"Because my mother died, and my fathers in jail. I'm an only child. Escaped from a foster home and now I'm living on the streets."

"Why didn't you search for help?"

"Because I didn't need it. I'm capable of living on my own."

Before I got to defensive about that, I decided it would be best if I got up and left. That way people won't get suspicious. "Well, I should get going." 

"Wait! I have one more question for you!" Alice said, standing up.

"Me and Biana will bring you food and water, and I'll make sure-"

"No, not that. Its something about your, well, people."


"Why do you only have blue eyes? Its been bothering me, and then if the people here can only have blue eyes, why are yours brown?"

I looked into Alice's eyes, and instead of them soft, I found them guarded and wanting answers. Part of me knew I had to keep everything a secret, but what if the Neverseen found her? We can't keep all information from her, she needs to at least know the basic's. And I hated that I would have to tell her, she should hear it from Biana. Alice trusts Biana. But, who knows when Biana will be back. She probably never found Della if she's doing a project for the collective, so who knows when Biana will be back to talk?

"Because." I said, opening the door. "We're not human." And then I closed it, and headed down to my room.


Hey lemons! I haven't left a note on one of my chapters in a while, but today I actually had a follower reach out to me asking if I could tag her in my story. Not gonna lie, I was super excited when she said she was a fan! I actually have a fan! Anyway, I dedicated this chapter to her so go check out her stories! She wrote a Sokeefe story called Matchmaking and a brand new book called KOTLC Adult Life. Go check her out!


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