Chapter 1

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The Scarlet Clover

By H. R. Good

Chapter 1

Chances are you’ve heard of The Scarlet Pimpernel. If you haven’t he’s the guy who saved French nobles from the guillotine, nobody knowing who he is but the members of the League of the Scarlet Pimpernel. Meanwhile signing his papers with red flowers, how manly. Real sweet isn’t it, but he wasn’t as brave and heroic as he’s portrayed. Not to mention the fact he stole his act from someone, his name too. Take it from the person who he cheated, me.

The names Clover, Clover Legrand. I met him a couple times, and he was about the most slyest, sneakiest, no good guy in the whole world. Always had that cocky, I’m better then you attitude. Always said I should leave the rescuing to the men, and go knit or sew something like that. Sure I was a girl, and only 18 but I could fight better than any man.

I was born on July 9, 1772 in Lyon, France. I was the youngest of five children, I had two brothers Louie and Jacques, and two sisters Maria and Marguerite. Louie was my twin born only 5 minutes before me, and he was also my best friend in the whole world. We were inseparable, and if someone messed with one of us, they messed with both of us. For the most part that was true for the whole family, except for when it came to Maria and I.

We hated each other with a passion, and that was on good days. I hated her with every fiber of my being, and the feeling was mutual. She was the reason I was in trouble with papa all the time, as much as I hate to say she was the best actress to ever live. Even went to the trouble of biting herself to get me to do her chores for her, and then there was the time she set the house on fire and once again blamed me for it. But I found ways to get back at her.

My family was poor as dirt, so I never went to school. That didn’t bother the others in the least, but I have to admit I wanted to learn. My parents knew that, and my papa decided to teach me something more useful than book smarts. When I wasn’t doing Marias chores, or my own, father took me out into the forest behind the small, wooden hut that served as our home. That’s where I learned the art of war, that’s where I learned how to fight, and how to be one step ahead of my opponent.

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