The girls all ordered and we got our food fairly quickly afterward and we all took a break from chatting and ate our food in silence. We finished and had about ten minutes before we had to head to class and Fatin told us she had a 'present' for us all in her car. 

We followed Fatin out to her car where she popped her trunk and grabbed a bag hidden under a pile of clothes and reached into it, pulling out a half drunk bottle of vodka and mini solo cup shot glasses. 

"Oh my God," Rachel said as she laughed at Fatin's excited look on her face as she poured a shot into one of the shot glasses. We were all huddled around the trunk so no one could see us as Fatin passed around the shots like it was Halloween candy before pouring herself one. 

"Cheers to senior year!" Fatin said and we all said it back before knocking the shot back, Shelby and Nora coughing as they finished. We all laughed for a bit as Fatin put all the contraband back in her trunk and we all went back to our own cars to head to school, which was about ten minutes away from Waffle House. Martha and I told each other our schedules on the drive there, finding out we only had one class together, which was first period Comm Arts. I hadn't had the chance to go over the other girls schedules so I was hoping that maybe I would have more with them. We pulled into a parking spot and headed into school, the familiar scent of Lysol spray and cafeteria food filling up the air. 

Martha and I went our separate ways to go to our lockers, which I put all the books and notebooks I didn't need till later away before heading to our first hour. I got there before Martha and saw the classroom set up in groups of two, which worked out perfectly. I took a seat in one of the empty pairs towards the back and set my backpack on the one next to me to save it for Martha. She walked in just a few seconds later and walked over to me, setting my backpack back on the ground for me as she sat down.

"I've heard this teacher is really nice, so this should be an easy class," she said as she took her notebook out of her bag and set it in front of her. 

"I hope so, I do not want a hard first hour, I'm still half asleep," I said as I leaned back in my chair and Martha laughed at me. Our teacher walked into the classroom, he told us his name, which is Mr. Patterson, and spent the whole time reviewing the syllabus, going over classrooms, typical first-day bullshit. Martha seemed right though, he did seem nice and was pretty laid back, letting us do whatever we wanted for the last ten minutes of class since he didn't have anything else for us to do. 

"What's your next class?" Martha asked me. 

"Uh, I think math," I said, pulling out my phone to double-check if I was right, and I was. Martha had history next, which was on the other side of the school, so when the class bell rang we went different ways, me stopping at my locker to switch out my notebooks before I felt someone poke me in the back. I turned around and saw Shelby smiling at me. 

"Hey, where ya going?" She asked, referring to my next class. 

"Math with Davis," I replied, closing my locker and leaning back against it.

"No way me too," she said excitedly and I smiled at her, happy to have at least one friend in my class. That smile quickly faded however when I looked behind her and saw who was approaching. 

"Shelby!" Andrew called out as he walked towards us and Shelby turned around at the sound of her name. 

"What?" She asked with an attitude in her voice. 

"You've been dodging my calls and texts all weekend," He asked as he kept walking towards us, Shelby taking a few steps back as he did so, "can we please talk?" 

"I don't have anything to say to you," Shelby said and made a turn to leave before Andrew grabbed her by her arm. 

"Well I do," he said as he pulled her towards him. I pulled her away and stepped in front of her as he let go of her wrist. 

"She said she doesn't wanna talk," I said staring at him, Shelby hiding behind me. 

"I don't think I asked you," He said, taking yet another step closer to me, leaving only about three or so inches in between us. 

"I don't give a fuck who you asked, she said she doesn't wanna talk," I replied, still staring at him as he tried to intimidate me with his height. He chuckled and looked over at Shelby who was watching nervously.

 "You gonna let this dyke talk for you?" He said to Shelby and I felt my blood start to boil and I stepped closer so that our chests were touching, me looking up at him as he looked down at me. 

"What'd you say?" I asked as I pushed him backward, him taking a step back in response. 

"Toni-" Shelby started before Andrew cut her off. 

"I said 'dyke'," He repeated and stepped back towards me.

"Say it one more fucking time, see what happens," I said. 

"Toni don't come on-," Shelby said as she grabbed my hand and tried to pull me away, but I shake her off. 

"How about one better? You gonna let this faggot talk for you?" He said and all I saw was red and I punched him across the face, hitting the side of his jaw and he went stumbling back, apparently not really thinking I would hit him. 

"Toni! Toni! Stop please, stop," Shelby said as she walked in front of me to stop me from going back at him. She pushed me around the corner and into the bathroom as Andrew yelled out "fucking bitch!" I was still trying to push past her. 

"Move, Shelby," I said and she kept pushing me back. 

"Hey, hey, hey, Toni, look at me, look at me," she said and grabbed my face, tilting it so I would be looking at her. Our faces were about four inches apart, and I felt my breathing hitch as she stared at my eyes. "Just breathe, okay?" I nodded slightly as she held onto my face, both of us just staring at each other intently. Till I saw her eyes flick down and look at my lips, before looking back up again. I stayed as still as a statue as she did the same thing again, and I did it as well. She looked up and stared at my eyes for a moment, before starting to lean in, her eyes floating back down. I didn't move, but I started to close my eyes when we heard a flush from behind us and Shelby jumped back. She looked at me with slight panic in her eyes before she turned and practically ran out of the bathroom. 

"Shelby," I called out but she was already down the hall, I threw my hands up and turned to see who had caused Shelby to run away and was shocked at who I saw. 

"Bitch, I fucking knew it," Fatin said, the biggest smirk plastered on her face and I felt mine go red. 


here's a long one since I could only do one part tonight!! hope you guys still enjoying!!! 

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