Sensei Switcheroo

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Cam sighed as he watched Dustin and Jake laugh.

"What's your deal?" Kali asked, nudging him.

Cam shook his head. "Just thinking," he said. "I understand where you guys are coming from, missing your dad and all that."

"At least your dad is still around," said Hunter.

"Yeah, but hi-fiving a guinea pig just isn't the same," said Cam, shaking his head.

Kali hugged Cam tightly.


Kali furrowed her brow as she entered Ninja Ops. She and Cam had parted ways at Storm Chargers, with Cam returning to Home Base and Kali heading through an oak tree homebound for Root core; she'd had a message from her mother on the weird rune that had appeared on both her and Hunter's wrists, and finally had an answer to it. She had just returned, hoping to find Hunter at Ops, seeing as he wasn't at work, like he was supposed to be.

"Why are the lights off?" Kali asked, looking around. She spotted Cam, Tori, Sensei, and Shane at the supercomputer. "Did we have a power cut?"

"Everyone okay?" Cam asked.

Kali cocked her head to the side. Now she was really confused and concerned. "What happened?" she grumbled.

"I'll explain later," said Cam, shaking his head. "Dad," he added, turning to the guinea pig. "Are you okay?"

"Dude, who you calling dad?" the Guinea pig asked.

Kali's eyed widened as she recognised the voice coming from the little furry rodent. "Shane?" she asked.

"Yeah. Why am I looking up at you?" Shane asked. "When did you get so... tall?"

"My height hasn't changed," said Kali. She turned to Cam and Tori. "Do you want to tell him or should I?"

"Tell me what?" Shane asked.

"I think we have a problem," said Cam.

"You think?" Kali asked.

Tori frowned as she continued to look at Shane. "If Shane is in Sensei's body then where is -?" she broke off, her head swivelling around as her gaze sought out her friend. He stood, a little off to the side, leaning against a support beam, his hands clasped in front of him and a small, serene smile on his face.

"Yes, Tori," said Sensei.

"This can't be happening," said Tori, looking from her friend to her teacher and back again. "Shane is in the Sensei's body, and Sensei is in Shane's body?"

"That would appear to be the case," Sensei said.

"Aah!" Cam, Kali, and Tori gasped as the computer sparked and died, completely.

Cam huffed in frustration. "And if that weren't bad enough, the force of the elemental pulse has shorted all of Ninja Ops," he said shaking his head, and making his way towards the computer.

"Why do you look guilty?" Kali asked Tori.

Tori shrugged. She smiled as she spotted Shane and squatted down beside the console. "You know, you look kind of cute when you wrinkle your nose like that," she teased.

Kali snorted.

"This isn't funny, Tori," Shane said. "I can't be a guinea pig today; I have a skate demo."

"Not to mention what we're supposed to do if Lothor attacks," said Cam, gesturing to the supercomputer. "We're on backup power as it is."

"This is what happens when you mess with things that you don't understand, Cam," said Kali.

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