Jimin nods, going over to my side. I felt myself get a little light headed, but I kept my eyes on Namjoon, memories of our small talks running through my head.

"After this, please talk to Taehyung. He needs you. He needs your-he needs it. It's more than I could ever give him. He's better off with you."

The words were loud in my ears, a humming sound distracting me from questioning his slip up. My eyes were getting heavy, and I felt myself start to get cold.

I shivered, and Jimin spoke. Through my hazy vision, I watched Jimin and Hoseok argue. Their words flew over my ears, and I then felt something leave my skin.

I looked down, watching how a small trickle of blood ran down my arm. Someone put a bandaid on it, and patted my back.

"You can sleep now Jungkook, Namjoon will be ok." Those words lulled me into a dreamless sleep, content surrounding me.


I woke up, feeling really really dizzy. I looked to my right, seeing two glasses of water. I reach for it, but I frown once both glasses combine.

What was up with my vision? I took the water, chugging it down, hoping it would stop the slight ringing in my head.

I grabbed the pill next to the glass, swallowing it dry as the water was already gone. It burned my throat, but I ignored it, laying back down on my bed.

A door opened, and I opened my eyes to see Hoseok walk in. I remember the events that happened before, and I open my mouth to speak.

Is Namjoon ok?" Hoseok looks up, startled but also relieved. "You're awake, finally." I frown. What does he mean by finally?

"Namjoon is great. The blood you gave him replaced the blood he lost after I successfully closed the wounds. There'll be scars but the wounds will properly heal."

I sighed in relief. "By the way, if you don't mind me asking how did Namjoon end up like that?" Hoseok hesitated.

"Hoesntly, I'm just as clueless as you. He just teleported into the med room while I was working, and he looked like he did when I got you. He hasn't spoken about it, and we can't really force it out of him."

"He's also standing well so it'll all be good once he chooses to speak on it." I frown even deeper. Standing? He was stabbed in the thighs.....

"Hoseok, how long was I out?" Hoseok closed his eyes, biting his lip. "You've, you've been out for at least three weeks."

My eyes widened.
"I was in panic, and I used the wrong blood bag. The bag was too big and I got the measurements wrong, causing you too lose more blood than you were supposed to. You almost died, and I regret not being able to think clearly. Namjoon was dying on the table, and I just-"

"I forgive you. I can't really blame you. Namjoon was dying and you were panicking. Besides, I eventually woke up didn't I?"

Hoseok stared at me for a while, before he broke out into tears. He dropped his things and embraced me into a hug, his sobs quiet but loud against my sensitive ears.

I rubbed his back, wondering what happened while I was out. A few minutes later Hoseok pulled away, sniffing profusely.

"Yoongi and I were the only ones who visited you. Namjoon is too weak to walk far, and the others were discouraged. They though that you were never going to wake up, so they decided to accept it by not visiting you."

I frowned, but I also understood why they did what they did. "Well, let's go show them that I'm alive, how does that sound?" I gave him a smile, and Hoseok smiled back.


I was using crutches, my body still slightly not used to walking around on my two feet anymore. Hoseok and I were walking towards talking voices, laughing voices.

I tried to relax myself, knowing that it'll all be ok. Once Hoseok stepped into the room first, the talking quieting down, until it fully turns quiet.

He wasn't lying when he said they were mad at him. That's when I walked out behind him,  seeing their eyes widen as they watch me walk on my crutches.

"Jungkook....." Jin says, standing up with wide eyes. He holds his mouth for a minute, and then removed it as he tightly hugs me. Jimin stood behind him, giving me a warm smile. Taehyung was next to him, his eyes happy but face stoic.

Namjoon smiled gently at me, relief and calmness seeping from his sitting figure. After Jin let go, Yoongi hugged me. I was surprised, but I hugged him back tightly.

"So you did recover. You should sit down, you look really pale." I shook my head.
"I feel fine actually. I was dizzy before but I think I just need to eat and I'll be back to normal."

Yoongi pressed his lips together, but nodded. "Well, you do have a lot of catching up to do. And Namjoon, since Jungkook if finally awake why don't you tell why this whole situation happened in the fucking first place?"

Namjoon sighed, making Yoongi groan.
"Yeah, I think it's about time."



(Completed) Book 2: Returned (Taken Sequel) TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now