hotel - night 1

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After an insanely long day of interviewing and mapping and analyzing, all of it with Hotch never leaving my side we decide to call it a night and head to the hotel.

Morgan is still annoyed so Hotch actually decides to ride with Morgan to talk, he's also probably tired of me by now and needs a break. Reid and JJ go together in another suv, that leaves me and Rossi in the last one.

Rossi gets in the drivers side and me in the passenger. We're both exhausted and the ride is silent for about 2 minutes until Rossi finally breaks it, "so how you doing kid?"

I sigh, I knew this was coming "I'm getting a little tired of being babysat"

"I was suprised he even let you ride with me" he teases

"Me too" I reply laughing "theres no chance I'll get my own room is there?"

"Oh definitely not, I wouldn't be suprised if he stayed up all night for you"

"You know he stood outside the bathroom door and waited for me earlier?" I barely get out through laughs

"I could've guessed" he chuckles "he'd do anything for his team"

"Family" I correct "he'd do anything for his family, and I really do love him for it"

"We all do" Rossi smiles and looks over at me "any of us would do the same for eachother, you know that right?"

"Yeah" I say looking down "I know"

"You should let us help you kid" he replys softly "we know somethings going on"


"Come on Emily" he begs "you thought you could hide that from profilers? Showing up either early or late every morning, over compensating, whats going on in there?"

"I just haven't been sleeping" I finally let out "I don't know if I belong here"

"Em, you know your one of the best profilers I've ever meet?" He pushes "I've never seen anyone that can do what you do"

"You mean annoy our boss every waking second" I tease trying to change the conversation

"Well a little of that but mostly what you can do in the feild" he grins, "and you don't annoy him that much he clearly loves you"

The rest of the ride is silent, the whole time my mind racing about Rossi's last comment. 'He clearly loves you'. What exactly does that mean?

Eventually we pull into the hotel parking lot and see that we are the last ones to arrive, Rossi parks near the other suvs.

We get out and I follow Rossi through the doors I'm still behind him when I here Hotchs voice panicked "Rossi where's Emily?!"

I laugh a little and step to the side "I'm here"

Everyone but Hotch lets out a slight chuckle, Hotch just grins and shakes his head.

"Since the sherrif only expected 5 of us thats all the rooms we have, Prentiss your with me" Hotch says looking over "everyone else get some sleep we'll meet again in the morning"

Everyone nods and we walk back out to one of the suvs to grab our bags, when I try to grab mine its stuck under the seat and won't budge. Hotch sees me struggling and grabs it for me, with one tug its free. "I could've gotten it" I say taking my bag back.

"I know" he smirks.

I walk ahead and here the trunk close behind me, before I know it he's back at my side and taking my bag from me, "hey" I say trying to get it back.

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