Overnight Trip - Khun

Start from the beginning


I enjoyed the 90 minute journey though I didn’t expect that I would actually fall asleep on Bam’s shoulder.

When he shook me awake… I remember looking up at him, thinking I was still asleep when I saw his cute innocent face smiling down at me.

We climbed off the bus and the fresh air hit my face, waking me up fully. I then announced the arrangements to everyone gathered round.

They all rushed off to choose their rooms but I was already cackling inside, they had all been to this beach house before and I knew which room they would be fighting over.

“Are you not bothered by which room we stay in?”

Bam questioned me, I was impressed that he knew me well enough to know that I wouldn’t want to be left with the dregs. I smiled at him mischievously, pulling a key from my pocket.

“Don’t worry, I already reserved the best room for us.”


They can all rush off as fast as they want to get the best room in the house, but I already have that room under lock and key. Literally.

Bam giggled at my plan and my grin only grew bigger. He knew this side of my personality and still liked me, that alone made me happy.

When we entered the house Isu was shouting down at me from the balcony, Hachuling was next to him smiling, seems he had already guessed what I was up to.

I carried my bag upstairs with Bam following behind. I approached the door and whipped out the key, unlocking and opening the door, pulling Bam into the room and made my announcement as the door closed.

“Sorry, this room is reserved.”

“Dammit Khun!”

I chuckled. Isu can be so stupid sometimes, he should have been one of the first to realise that I would want Bam to have the best room and view in the house.


I heard Bam sigh and noticed him standing by the window, his face lit up, impressed and amazed by the view. I quietly joined him, admiring the scenery.

“This is the best room in the house, it has the best view as you can probably tell. Do you like it?”

There was a moment of silence and, whilst my eyes were still directed out the window, my gaze was focused on the reflection of the person next to me. He was looking at me when he softly spoke.



Bam was trying to kill me.

He didn’t even know it.

The genius idiot strikes again.

I acted as if I believed he was speaking about the scenery.

“Good. Shall we get ready? I bet the others will want to head straight down to the beach. There’s an ensuite to this room so I’ll get changed in there and you can use the room.”

He nodded in agreement so I grabbed my things and disappeared into the ensuite. Experience from the past few stays at the beach house told me that the rest of the group probably already had their swimming costumes on and would have run straight to the beach if they didn’t need to fight over the rooms.

I changed my clothes, putting on my knee length swimming shorts, some flip flops and a jacket that I zipped up to cover my skin. Having such pale skin I burn easily and it either goes back to its original colour straight away or just makes me look healthy - who wants to look healthy!? I tied my hair back as well, thinking it would be easier to manage in the inevitable sea breeze.

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