Overnight Trip - Khun

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Isu had a surprisingly good idea just before our exams started. He suggested we go on an overnight trip as we won’t be able to see each other as much when studying kicks in.

I offered the use of one of my family’s beach houses. No point in paying for a hotel when I have a house we could use for free, not to mention we would have a private beach all to ourselves. Just the thought of going to a public beach makes me shudder.

So I enlisted the help of my older brother, Hachuling, to hire and drive the minibus that would take us there. He was more than willing to help which was annoying in itself, honestly he dotes on me far too much, it’s creepy.

On the day we were going, he rolled up in the minibus and set his sights on me straight away.

“A.A! Good to see my little brother!”

I recoiled when I saw him running towards me but I wasn’t quick enough to escape the bear hug he pulled me into. When I thought I had squirmed out of it, it was actually just a change in tactics as he got me in a headlock and started whispering to me, scanning the faces of my friends.

“So which one is it then?”

My eyes opened wide in surprise as I realised Hachuling was up to his old tricks again.

“You fucking hacked my laptop again didn’t you?”

He chuckled in response. 


Even when I write my journal on my laptop and password protect it he still manages to get inside.

Hachuling, if you’re reading this right now, I’m the one that snapped your anime figures. And I’ll do it again.


Hachuling’s eyes landed on their target and he released me. I didn’t bother following him, I didn’t want to be part of it.

He stopped in front of Bam before looking over his shoulder and giving me a thumbs up.


Then I thought better of leaving him alone with Bam.

I swiftly walked over to his side just in time to hear.

“...call me Nii-chan if you want.”

For fucks sake.

I grabbed his collar and pushed him away, turning to Bam.

“Don’t mind my brother Bam, he’s just an annoying idiot and I will never talk to him again if he doesn’t shut up!

The threat may sound pathetic to most but for Hachuling who takes brotherly love to the next level, it would have been a devastating blow. And the fear showed on his face.

With that out of the way, everyone started piling on to the bus. I followed Bam onboard and collapsed into the seat next to him, leaning into him slightly. The seats weren’t particularly small, I just wanted to be that close and see his reaction.

He seemed a little uncomfortable and nervous but that wasn’t enough. I wanted to see him flustered. So when Hachuling announced to everyone that it would be a 90 minute drive, I huffed out my earlier stress and dropped my head onto Bam’s shoulder, leaning into him more and closing my eyes.

“I’m going to sleep. Wake me up when we get there.”

I waited a few moments, hearing and feeling Bam shuffling about a bit. Peeking my eyes open he had his face turned away from me, looking out the window. I smiled triumphantly noticing the pink in his cheek, it even reached the tops of his ears.

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