Walking over to Midoriya, you try to catch your breath from sprinting those last few seconds.
'God, I really hate running.'
The boy smiles at you as you approach him holding up a high five, which he quickly accepted, slapping his hand against your palm. "Congrats, on first Midoriya." You say to him.
The pride and awe in his eyes hasn't left, "Wow, thank you! You did great! That air quirk sure does come in handy, doesn't it?"
You laugh, "Yeah, no kidding. I have no idea how you managed to do all that running."
He laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. The rest of the students make their way past the finish line, most of them donning bright smiles at having completed the first round. Midoriya and you wish each other luck in the second round, taking your places in front of the big screen with the scoreboard.

Midnight swings around her whip and her voice booms over the stadium speaker's, catching everyone's attention, "Alright!!! Let's take a look up at the scoreboard and meet our new contenders for round two! The students who placed in the top 42 will be moving on to the next stage."
"Alright looks like we all made it!" Kirishima says to your group.
"Hell yeah we did!" Denki replies.
"I wonder what the next round is." Sero says pensively.
"Well I am glad you asked!" Midnight smiles from the stage and points to the screen behind her as the categories start to spin. The spinning slowly comes to a stop.
"A cavalry battle, oh no, I'm bad at those." Denki says with a defeated sigh.
You put a hand on his shoulder, "It hasn't even started yet, Denks. I'm sure you'll be fine."
"So this isn't an individual event, huh?" Kirishima says.
"This should be interesting." Mina chimes in.
'Interesting, indeed.' You think to yourself.
"And here we have it everyone, the second stage of our Sports Festival will be a Cavalry Battle! The 42 students who advanced to this next round will split into groups of two to four. Your group will be given a headband with a number representing the points it is worth, I'll explain more about that in a second. In this battle, the teams must form together as a rider and a horse, like so." she directs everyone's attention to the screen where it showed an example of the positioning the members would have to maintain. "Now... for the headbands. The amount of points on your rider's headband correlates to the team's placement in the obstacle race. The points assigned go up by five starting at the very bottom. Whoever placed 42nd is worth five points, 41st is worth ten, 40th is worth 15, and so on." Midnight pauses with a mischievous smirk, "And for our first place qualifier, Midoriya Izuku is worth a whole 10 million points! As you can see those at the top suffer more! Each of your team members' points will be added up and will be the number on your rider's headband. The rider of your team must be the one who accumulated the most points in the Obstacle Course. Your goal is to gather up as many points in the fifteen minutes you are given for this game. Headbands must be worn around the head or neck. If your headband gets snatched, that does not mean you are automatically disqualified. You can still participate in retrieving other headbands until the time is up. This game is a cruel fight where quirks are of course, allowed, as long as they are not used to make others fall on purpose! Now you have fifteen minutes to find a team! Choose wisely!"

Mina immediately rounds you, Kiri, Denki, Sero, and Bakugou up.
She puts her hands on her hips, "Okay, guys, how are we going to do this? The maximum number of people allowed per team is 4 members."
Bakugou frowns, "Who said I wanted to work with you losers!?!"
Kirishima thinks for a bit then offers, "We could do rock paper scissors!"
Mina's eyes light up, "Perfect! We can do that, no hard feelings, okay?"
Sero and Kiri nod, all the while you're looking at someone else.
'We work really well together given our quirks.' You think.
"Hey, guys, it's fine, you don't have to worry about me. I think I'm gonna go work with Todoroki." You tell the group.
Mina smiles, "Alright. Good luck!"
Kirishima smiles too, "Offering to split up is so manly! Hope to see you in the next round."
Sero gives you a thumbs up, "Yeah, you better survive this round."
You smile, "Don't worry, I will."
Bakugou lets out a snarl as he watches you walk off.
"We still have an extra person." Mina observes.
"I think I'm gonna join her group." Denki says watching you approach Todoroki.
Kirishima and Sero smirk at Denki, elbowing him in the sides.
"Better not embarrass yourself!" They say in unison.
Denki shrugs them off, "It's not like that, guys. Hope you all make it into the third round!"

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