Train ride

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•Achilles POV•
"Siri,Remmy,Jam" I yelled trying to find the boys on the train. Quickly I peered my head through every compartment door but I still couldn't find them."Over here Howlie" shouted a medium deep voice which I knew was automatically Sirius voice. Quickly I walked over to where I had heard his voice and surely enough there they were. Remus and Peter on one side and James and Sirius on the other side. "Hey Howlie come sit down" Said Remus strong voice. As I was about to sit all I could hear were prongs and Padfoot bickering about who's legs go on top of the other. "Will you shut up" I turned to the two. "Sorry won't happen again" prongs and padfoot replied in unison. As I sat down next to Moony I could feel his heavy and muscular body laying against mine. "Thanks for being my pillow" whispered Remus. Before I could reply I felt a heavy strain on my shoulder and I turn and look and Moony s already asleep. "Remus likes Achilles, Remus likes Achilles" the three boys whispered yelled as the train came to a stop. "Remmy wake up we're here" I whispered gently into his ear.
sorry for the short chapter I just can't think about what I'm gonna write•

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