Chapter 16: Parker

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I wiped furiously, at my tear-stained face. "Come on, pull yourself together!" I told myself, as Father Time motioned for me to sit on a chair that was across from him.
"Besides," I continued to console myself, "it isn't like Father Time is going to order me to start talking..."
    "START TALKING!" Father Time's loud (and rather obnoxious) voice suddenly demanded.
I mentally glared at myself, and said "thanks for nothing," to the voice in my head.
    Well, it was too late now. Father Time was already looking more and more impatient, by the second...
    "I couldn't do it... I just couldn't..." My voice was meek and small, as I repeated my earlier answer.
    Even though Father Time was in the disguise of a rather unattractive teenage guy (which I hope he was not expecting to get a date with a girl), his kind yet sad and tired eyes, showed his true age, which was like millions of years old, or something like that (what? I don't have the time to calculate🤷🏻).
"Why, Parker?" Father Time asked in a more gentle tone than the one that he had used before.
"I-I- I guess... I think..." I stumbled over my words, trying to find the right ones to defend the choice that I had made, "I just couldn't lose him..." I suddenly blurted out.
Father Time looked just as shocked as I was feeling, about what I had just said.
"Parker..." Father Time said. His tone was sad, and I didn't like it.
I decided that now, was the right time to push forward in my defense— "when Devian said that he needed me to... to... kill him..." my voice trailed, as my mind's eye flashed back to that fateful moment. A fresh stream of unwelcome tears, fell onto my cheek.
"You thought that by taking away everyone's memories, with the exception of yours, it would be easier to kill him. Am I right in thinking this?" Father Time asked evenly.
I sighed in defeat, my face was set in a deep frown. "Yes," I answered my superior, "that had been my original plan. I found a spell that I figured would be perfect. It promised that only the memories of each other would be lost. However..."
My face fell even more, as I willed myself to continue— "when we got here, to the time time that Devian had instructed us... I realized, that part of Devian isn't here. Part of me has despised this Devian, from the moment we got here." As I said these last few words, I felt confused guilt, rising up in my chest. Oh G—! This was all my fault!
Father Time sighed, pulling me back to reality. "Parker," he began to speak, "when Devian said that you would have to kill him in the future, don't you think that he had already had a plan in place?"
"I don't know what you mean, sir?" I was so confused.
"Hmm," Father Time raised a brow, and nodded solemnly, "just think for a moment, if you can, Parker... if Devian went to the future, and saw what was happening, don't you think that he knew everything that was going to happen?"
"I don't follow, sir?" I said, as I stared at Father Time.
"What I am saying, is that maybe, Devian knew that would disobey him."
"WHAT!?" I jumped out of my seat, in complete shock.
"Therefore," Father Time continued, as he gestured for me to stay seated, "Devian might have hidden his real memories in a safe place, in a safer time."
"Then... does this mean that Devian is going to be okay?" I asked, as I felt my stomach twisting. Part of me already knew the answer, while the other part of me, held onto something that felt like hope.
A dark look took over Father Time's face. He waved his hand, and a window made of his golden sands, appeared in the middle of the room. He motioned for me to leave the chair, and look through it.
Once I did, I saw the clock shop, that I had been in, just a few moments before... then I saw Devian.
"On the contrary, Parker," Father Time began, "if this is true, then Devian is in even more danger. And he might even sooner, become a danger to you, the twins, and Mackie.
As Father Time said this, a dark mist began to form right behind Devian! Suddenly, the most twisted into a tall figure, who reached a hand out towards Devian's shoulder!
"Oh My G—! Devian!" I yelled, attempting to pound on the window to warn my friend.
"He cannot see or hear you, Parker," Father Time sighed, "but as you can see..." he paused here, as we watched Devian turn around slowly, as if he had suddenly noticed that there was evil standing behind him. I thought he would run, but instead, he and the figure shook hands, and began to laugh and talk, as if they were old friends!
"There are already entities that are aware of Devian's impairment," Father Time continued, "they are already manipulating his memories, as we are having this conversation."
I watched in horror, as the figure leaned over, and gave Devian a hug. Just then, the window began to fade out of sight. "No... NO!" I yelled, as I tried to grasp at the window.
I heard a strangled cry of disappointment escape from my lips, as I watched the window turn into a swirl of sand.
"This is WRONG!" I turned around viciously, to Father Time, "this is my fault! Please, you have to let me fix this!" I begged.
Father Time looked at me. There was a noticeable look of sorrow in his eyes, as he said— "in the end, Parker... you know that you are going to have to fulfill Devian's order. There is no hope for the Devian of this time, for his new memories, are already fading to the shadows of time."
Another set of tears fell from my eyes. "No... no..." I didn't want to believe anything Father Time was telling me.
"Perhaps, Parker," Father Time said in a solemn tone of voice, "this will teach you how to not play with ancient magic, such as a memory spell."
With that, Father Time waved his hand, and we were back in the clock store.
Right then, I heard the twins talking with Devian, "I need to tell him..." I thought to myself, making sure that Father Time did not hear me.
"Parker, you must report anything that happens with Devian. Is that clear?" Father Time's voice interrupted my thoughts.
"Yes, sir," I said. Suddenly, I noticed something on Father Time's teenaged face... "is that a zit?" I asked casually.
"WHAT!?" Father Time leaped out of his chair, and started to rummage through a bag. I slowly crept out, as my superior mumbled something about a "date with that girl."
I laughed internally. If there was one thing that Father Time was proud of, it was his looks. No matter what disguise he was in.
"There, that should keep him occupied," I said to myself, "now, how are we going to tell Devian that he's in danger?"

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