Meeting You

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I had just gotten the tree up with my family as the door bell rang, my brother answered it. I felt a sense of longing and I didn't know why, my arm burned.

"Hey sis, there's a few guys wanting to see you." I got up from opening decoration boxes and walked to the doorway.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw three men, James Mcavoy, Michael Fassbender and Gerard Butler standing on the stoop.

My brother, Daniel went back to helping decorate the tree.

I immediately forced myself to stop fangirling and talk to them.

"Hello, gentlemen,  how can I help you?" I asked with a smile.

It took them a minute to respond but finally James came out and said, "This is awfully strange,  but we have been searching for you for over a month." He paused looking for something in my eyes.

"We were in a Houston Airport and we soulmated with you." He paused again.

The look on my face must have concerned them.

Gerard stepped in, "We tried yelling after you and following you but lost you in the crowds. We only had your name  and a vague description."
I was at a loss, I had just gotten divorced. Now I was supposed to be with these strangers? Good looking men but strangers none the less.

I was about to speak when my mom came over and invited the men in after hearing what they had to say.

I moved aside and let them in, my mom shooed my brothers from the room and only my parents,  my apparent soulmates and myself were left.

Michael piped up after everyone was sat, "we really do hate to intrude and we see that your busy but we felt drawn here and when we asked the young man at the door if Emmy lived here and she came up, we were certain it was her."
My father responded, "If she is your soulmate your names would be on her arm. Em, show us your arms so we can be certain. I showed my left arm there was nothing but on my right arm, written in beautiful calligraphy were their names. The three men looked like they'd cry.

My father invited them to stay for dinner, so we could discuss what was going to happen next.

I started Decorating the tree again and my brothers came out and introduced themselves.

I was trying to enjoy Decorating when Michael came up behind me and handed me an ornament, he was close I wanted to jump in his arms but I didn't. He just brushed a lock of hair behind my ear, he whispered,  "you're beautiful."

My dad went to check on the ribs, thats when my mom realized we didn't have any sides or drinks.

Gerard offered to run to the grocery store, my mom was grateful and said, "Emmy, you know what everyone likes why don't you go with him."

I was scared but I said, "sure, mom."

I got up and walked to my room to get shoes on, little did I know I was being followed.

I was going through my shoe basket when I heard a thick accent say, "My My My, look at all these stuffies?! You're quite the collector." I jumped with a start. When I turned i saw the three men standing there.

Gerard continued, "you really like this little blue guy, huh? Whats his name?"

"His name is Stitch, he's my favorite disney character. " I said shyly.

Michael noticed the stitch pacifier on my bed and picked it up, "come here, love. Open?" He motioned for me to open my mouth but I turned beet red and tried hiding my face.

"Oh tsk tsk,  don't be shy, love. All of us are daddy doms, we knew you were a little. Its okay." James said comfortingly while squeezing my arms.

Michael asked again, "Please open, sweetheart? I just want to see you with it in."

I hesitantly opened my mouth and Michael slipped it in. "There we go, don't you look adorable!"

I suckled on it contentedly then remembered we had to go to the store, I pulled the paci out of my mouth and said in a tiny voice, "We have to get stuff for dinner."

The men looked saddened that I had stopped but understood.

I grabbed my purse and headed out of the  small bedroom with the handsome men at my heels.

I called out, "We're heading out, any requests?"

My dad asked for sugar free barbecue sauce.

I nodded.

We walked out the front door and when I got to the car, I went for the door but Gerard opened it for me, as I sat down I reached for my seatbelt but Gerard clicked it for me, pausing to look at me. My lips twitched with anticipation of a kiss that never came.

We all drove to the safeway and once we had arrived, I grabbed a cart, I waved a quick hello to the cart collectors and they waved back.

James whispered into my ear, "After you get your shot, you can sit in the cart"

I blushed at his comment making him smile.

I went down the condiments aisle first and grabbed my dads sugar free barbecue sauce. Then made my way to the pop aisle and went to pick out a pack of Fanta, Dr. Pepper and coke zero but the soulmates had already grabbed the packs and placed them in the cart.

We made our way to the deli where I ordered, 2 lbs deviled egg potato salad, 2 lbs broccoli slaw and 1 lb macaroni and cheese.

Once we got everything, we made our way to the register, where the devilishly handsome men loaded everything on the conveyor and I moved to pay for it but Gerard stopped me and paid for it himself.

The soulmates unloaded everything to the car and we headed back to my house.

As we were driving, Michael slips his hand into mine and I'm overcome by this small gesture and without thinking I leaned into his side and kissed his hand. He stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head.

This was going to be interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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