Sunday, Feb. 1. 2015 EST

44 2 4

Hi guys, I've got some good news and some bad news.

1.) I'm terribly sick and so I haven't worked on finishing chapter 11 of PftT. Not only have I caught the flu, but I passed out from low iron (as I do have iron deficiency anemia, not being able to eat with the flu has lowered my iron count). I'm not really sure when I'll get better. I don't really have any strength to type but I have some important messages to get out to you guys.

2.) As some of you know, That Indian Boy/Preparing for the Tide has been a first time attempt to keep me on schedule. It's failed miserably and I don't like making my fans wait. In the past with my story Sarkata, I would wait until I've written at least five chapters before beginning to post on Wattpad. This meant that my readers would see a chapter posted, but in actuality I was ahead of what they had read by several chapters. This method allowed me to take my time writing and editing because I wouldn't fall off schedule in the first place since the chapters were already done. However, with That Indian Boy/Preparing for the Tide, I tried to attept at writing the new chapters on the spot (for some reason) and that is failing miserably. So, whether or not this is good news or bad news for you guys I'll let you decide, I'm going to type up Chapter 11 as soon as I get better, but I won't post it until I've also finished typing Chapter 12 so that I can be one chapter ahead from now on. This means you guys should get your chapters on time in the future. 

3.) I've decided to make Hush a book. I'll probably post it when I get to Chapter 4 of writing. 

      - I'll be working on Hush alongside Laudine since they're both supernatural.

4.) You guys don't know this, but I'm addicted to making book covers. Each book I've made has at least two covers. I have an enormous folder on my computer dedicated to my book covers and there are a lot of covers you guys have never seen. (Hush has 12 covers for instance). I post a lot of them on my personal Facebook and have my friends vote on which ones are the best, those are the ones you guys end up seeing as my official book covers. Well, not anymore! I'll be making an Imgur account in order for you guys to see all my book covers! You could even tell me what your favorites are. 

5.) I don't know if any Sarkata fans are reading this, but last year I began to rewrite Sarkata!! I'll be working on it more after Laudine is finished. If you haven't checked out my book Sarkata and you're into alien adventure and fantasy, check it out! That actual version is going to be different aesthetically to the new one because I didn't feel that the aliens were alien enough. So be ready for the new and improved Sarkata probably by the end of this year.

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