Round 2 - Christmas Party Cupcake

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"Okay let's keep this snowball rolling," Holly says, "You know what I love about the holidays? Someone's always throwing a party! The best part? Free food! Everything's always so festive too, especially when it comes to dessert. But it's a party and no one has time to sit and eat anything, so for Round 2 I want to see your best Christmas Party cupcake."

Holly doesn't miss the way Brittany lights up, "This should be right up your chimney, Chef Brittany. You're kind of the Cupcake Queen."

"I might know a thing or two," Brittany smirks.

Santana just fakes a scowl.

Brittany might have the advantage here, but Santana has been spending a lot of time at Batter Up Cupcakes so she has picked up on quite a few things – never mind that she has literally tasted thousands of cupcakes over the span of working on Cupcake Battles. They may not be her specialty but she's no amateur either.

Although Kurt mostly works with pastries, he's been known to dabble with a cupcake every so often. He can't let Brittany get away sabotage-free this time around though, that might be his undoing if it happens.

"Okay for this round I will give you 45 minutes again," Holly offers, "That's loads of time. In fact, that's so much time that I want you to make me two different kinds of cupcakes."

Brittany's already coming up with a game plan so the addition of a second flavor isn't too hard to work in. Santana and Kurt don't see too phased either, but who know what'll happen once the sabotages are introduced.

"And your 60 second shopping times starts...NOW!"


Once again it's a mad dash for the essential ingredients. Santana's never had to shop so fast in her entire life, but she moves around the pantry swiftly just hoping she's getting everything that she needs to pull off two flavors of cupcakes.

"You won't be able to combine two in one this time, Britt!" Santana teases as she reaches into the fridge for some eggs.

"Won't need to," Brittany fires back, "I've got the perfect thing for this."

Kurt zips in between the two and swipes the last of the fresh vanilla beans, "I can't wait to see what crazy combination you come up with. Doubt you'll be able to flirt your way through this one."

"Hey!" Santana bumps him with her hip, "She won fair and square and everyone knows it."

Brittany smiles appreciatively Santana's way. After the public got word of their relationship, there was slight concern that Brittany might've been given special treatment but she was able to assure everyone that the only special treatment Santana was giving her happened well after the show ended.

"I won't need to flirt with anyone, Kurt, my cupcakes will be way more festive than any of your boring old recipes," Brittany quips, "Sorry, I mean classic. Isn't that what you like to call it to cover up your lack of creativity?"

Santana just laughs as she jets out of the pantry first.

Kurt scowls, "You have been spending way too much time with Santana."

"5...4...," Holly starts to count down but Kurt and Brittany rush out of there well seconds to spare, "3-2-1. You guys were quick this time! Let's see how you feel about my sabotages for this round."

Holly heads over to the chimney again and gives it a knock. Down comes the first sabotage and the Chefs watch anxiously to see what is revealed.

"A bucket?" Brittany questions.

"Ah, it's not just any bucket," Holly comments as she upturns the bucket. The Chefs are amazed at what falls out.

"Is that snow?" Kurt stammers

Cupcake Battles: Holliday EditionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang