Pilot Episode: The Beginning Of The Power Era

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Koven: Its over....

Koven is exhausted in the fight of the Wither Skeleton King,all of her magic is drained,her friends are down,and the whole kingdom was destroyed by the nefarious beast: the Wither Storm. All that is left for them is nothing,there was no one to save them,not even Koven. Koven then saw Annie from the ground,lying on the center of the crater. She carefully makes her way down in the purple-colored crater to check on her.....but to her surprise..... *she gasped* Annie was dead. 

Koven: Sweetheart..? Sweetheart?! Sweetheart.... *cries silently*

It was desperate for Koven to see her die,Annie opened her eyes and all that she sees is the light. She's at the heavens when she saw a white figure standing on her own. She slowly walked towards the white figure and saw......her own self.

Annie: Woah....

Annie (Spirit): Greetings Annie,It appears that you have come up to see me. But in this case,Everyone at the overworld was sad because the great and powerful Goddess has died,and they will forever praise in your name. 

Annie: Is there a way to be alive again?

Annie (Spirit): There is no other way,Im sorry but its over for you...

Annie: Oh...... *tears streaming down her face*

Annie (Spirit): But there is another way,you can be free and be a spirit and guide the people in your kingdom! You can help anyone you want,Even Koven and even your friends. You have the power of the goddess, and where you lie is at the Mount Of Straya. There they will seek you,and you would give them guidance and strength to those who seek for you,You can reward them anything like these enchanted golden apples If ya want to hehehehe :3. 

Annie: Woah,Really..? Wow,Thanks for the offer spirit self.

Annie (Spirit): Anytime! Also is there anything I can do to help your poor people?

And so Annie told the spirit to revive the lost and beaten ones,rejuvenate the injured poor mobs and restore the whole kingdom by just a snap of the spirit's finger. Annie was filled with joy and was happy that they are happy to be together again. But...they still realized that the All powerful Goddess was dead. So they take her corpse to the graveyard and placed her in the Royal Coffin,carefully placed her inside with a special gift from Koven: A rose that she picked up when she was still a kid. Koven kept that rose in a locked chest for so long that she kept it as a memory. And so Koven decided to host an event in honour of Annie's Death. They gradually sing a song that forever remind her bravery and kindfulness. They celebrated with games,story telling,food,more food,and even things that annie likes to do. It was a fun event,Although Koven wasnt really happy about the event,she's still sad about what happened to her,and someone approached to her....It was Aliza,everyone's favorite creeper,so she decided to have a little talk with her.

Aliza: Hey Koven,Whats wrong?

Koven: Still sad about what happened to Annie,she was my sweetest creeper who grow up so fast and learn many things in her life,but its for the best,She has a wonderful life with so many friends to hang out with, Im proud of her being the powerful goddess we all know and love.

Aliza: Yeah! Thats why we made a party in honour of the great and powerful goddess who once defeated the Wither Storm and Wither Skeleton king at the same time! 

Koven: Yeah,I guess she handled them pretty good,atleast that wither skeleton guy is dead.

Aliza: I hope she is happy in the aether.

Koven: Hope so too,but Im just waiting for something to happen.

And something did happen,the structure where Annie's coffin was held made a shiny bright light that made the mobs turn their eyes into it. The crowd murmurs as the coffin rise up making the mobs go WOW in their eyes. The coffin then explodes and a white spirit has come out of it....and that spirit is what they realized that a miracle has happened.

Koven: Woah....Is that...?

Annie (spirit): Yes mother,its me Annie.

The Crowd: *gasps,murmurs*

Aliza: I-I thought you were dead

Annie (spirit): The spirit from the aether gave me  a chance to be with you guys,and also gave me the power to strengthen and purify all of you to aid in your adventures.

Koven: Sweetheart, I cant believe your still alive,but who will be the princess of the kingdom?

Aliza: Huh :\

Annie: Fear not mother,I know someone who will be the princess of the kingdom.

Aliza: is this girl? *points to a zombie* Orrrr is it this girl? *points at a husk* Orrrr is it tha girl behind the huge crowd? *points at a baby zombie* 

Baby Zombie: gugu o.o

Annie: hehehehehe no aliza, *points at her*

Koven: *looks at her* Oh o.o

Lisa: hmmm? 

Annie: My daughter can rule the kingdom as a princess,be nice to her please,she is sensitive and shy to people around you.

Lisa: Mhm...

Aliza: Awesome! 

*the crowd cheers*

Koven: Well how about that,Thanks Sweetheart ^w^

Annie: No problem mother

And so the crowd continues to play games,tell stories and lots more in the event,tons of new stuff is approaching in the near future,The world may never know what comes next with these mobs,What new oddities and experiences would they encounter next? We'll see next time...

*The End*

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