drabbles part 2 | various pairings

Start from the beginning

"i would like to say... this is not my fault."

you took a short break from panicking to shoot jj a fierce glare. the two of you decided to do some night fishing, considering none of the others were interested in joining, and so took the hms pogue out into the marsh alone. you didn't know much about boats, so you trusted jj to make sure everything was okay before setting out. your first mistake.

at first everything was fine. jj took the boat out into the marsh, and y'all set up your lines to wait. you cracked open a couple beers and sat back to see if you would catch anything. a few fish later, you both decided it would be best to move on to another spot. and that was when the engine wouldn't start. leading you to this moment.

"jj, literally who else would be at fault here?" you yelled as you raked a hand through your hair. "you were supposed to make sure everything was okay!"

"oh well i'm sorry that i forgot to check one thing!"

"the one thing being fuel levels, dumbass!"

"i figured we could make it here and back on what we had in reserves!"

"oh my GOD!" you turned away from him and let out a short scream of frustration. "i'm going to die, i'm literally going to fucking die with an absolute idiot!"

"we're not going to die, calm the fuck down."

"if you're so calm why do you keep hitting your juul."

he froze with the juul halfway to his lips and wrinkled his nose at you. you rolled your eyes and plopped down on the floor of the boat, resigning yourself to the reality of the situation. it was four in the morning, hours away from sunrise when the pogues would realize you were gone and come searching for you. jj sighed and took a seat across from you.

"are you mad at me?" he asked.

"a little bit."

"i'm sorry. i just... i was a little too excited to go on an adventure with just you, so i didn't want to postpone it for some gas. i was stupid."

you smiled and nudged his leg with your foot. "so i excite you, huh?"

"oh shut up and get some sleep," he mumbled as he turned his face away, his cheeks turning pink. "we've got a long wait ahead of us."

jj x reader | "i want someone i can melt around. i want someone who melts around me too... i dont want this standoffish, unromantic love that you're offering. i want more than that." "i just want to be swept off my feet... is that so bad? i'm fed up of being alone."

you laid in bed, eyes trained on your open window as your clock ticked behind you on your bedside table. it was 2am. two whole hours later than the time jj was supposed to come over. it wasn't like it was a super special day or anything, but he'd been busy lately with work and avoiding his dad. you would have thought he'd been excited for tonight, to be able to curl up with you and forget everything else. but he wasn't there. you checked your phone again. no new messages. you let out a sigh and got up to close and lock your window. no point in keeping it open if he wasn't going to stop by.


you managed to keep in the squeal that wanted to escape when jj's head suddenly appeared from the shadows. you stepped back to let him properly climb into your room before you closed the window behind him. then you just stood there, arms crossed, as he took a seat on your bed.

"don't give me that look," he sighed.

"really? you're gonna show up two hours late with an attitude? as if i don't know where you were?"

"and where was i?"

"at the boneyard. john b texted me inviting me to the party, but i said you were coming over so i'd have to pass. and now you're here, reeking of booze and perfume."

"i didn't do anything but drink and dance."

"wow, i'm so relieved," you said sarcastically. "i haven't seen you properly for weeks, and the night we're supposed to spend time together, you blow me off for a party at the boneyard. but, hey, at least you didn't fuck a touron."

"what do you want from me then?" he asked loudly. "just fucking tell me what you want!"

"i want someone i can melt around. i want someone who melts around me too... i don't want this standoffish, unromantic love that you're offering. i want more than that. i deserve more than that."

"unromantic?" he seemed to be in disbelief. "unromantic? how the fuck am i unromantic? i love you! i'm here aren't i? i'm here to spend time with you. i'm here with you, not some touron."

"you always make it seem like i'm an obligation, jj!"

"so tell me how to fix this!"

"i just want to be swept off my feet... is that so bad? i'm so fed up of being alone!"

"but you're not alone." he reached for your hand. "i'm right here."

"are you?" you whispered. "you're here, but are you here? in our relationship?"


"let's just... go to sleep. i'm tired," you sighed as you walked to your side of the bed. "i just want to be held right now."

"yeah... yeah, i can do that."

you hoped he could... you hoped he would keep wanting to as time went on.

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