Part 2 ~ First Friend

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Third Person POV

Millicent groaned. "I'm so BORED. This place is so BORING. I feel like I'm gonna die of BOREDOM."

Mother Zoey cringed. Why did she ever abduct this ungrateful child in the first place? She was so annoying.

Millicent started to do what she did whenever she got bored. And that was pestering Mother Zoey.

"Mother Zoeyyyy, can I go outsidddde??? It's so borrrrrinnnngggg in herrrrree," she drawled, hoping it would work.

Mother Zoey snapped. She turned around and slapped Millicent across the face. Millicent's head snapped back in surprise, and she lifted a hand to touch her cheek.

"Don't ask me that again. You know I've told you that I'll never let you out, so stop trying," Mother Zoey spat. Millicent looked up at her, her lip trembling. She burst into tears and ran into her room, locking herself in.

Mother Zoey could hear her muffled sobs, and she turned back around to her work. She had to leave soon.

Time skip to when Mother Zoey leaves

Millicent slowly opened the door, eyes red. She sniffed, stepping out of her room into the silent tower. She walked over to the window and swung her legs over the edge, looking out at the forest. The wind cooled the tears on her face and she took a shuddering breath. It was okay now, Mother Zoey was gone, she wouldn't have to see her for the rest of the day. And hopefully tomorrow, too.

She felt a small weight on her lap, and she looked down to see a little creature there. "Oh, uh, hi...?" she said, a little confused. The creature's eyes rolled around, and it stumbled a bit, like it was dizzy. Millicent giggled, and picked up the creature in her hands. "Are you lost?" she asked. The creature nodded, and she looked out. "Well, you're not gonna find your home anytime soon. Hey, do you wanna be friends?" she asked, going back inside. The creature jumped up and down, and she grinned widely. "I've never had a friend before! This is awesome!" she exclaimed. "You need a name. Hm..." she stared hard at the creature. "How about... Sean? Yeah? You like that? Sean it is, then! We're gonna have a lot of fun, Sean."

A/N: I was so lazy with the last part and now I'm actually taking this fanfic seriously what- Oh, and btw, in this part she's like 8 years old

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