"What" he shouts.

"Yeah I think I'm going to be okay now" Marinette says smiling. "I have you and that's all I need" she says hugging him again.

Light, lights, lights, lights

Someone from behind them cleared their throat.

"Oh right guys meet my biological sister Amaya Roseline Todd" Jason says smirking as Marinette groans.

"Did you have to say my second name" she asks.

"Yep that's definitely you Rosey" Jason says laughing as Marinette rolls her eyes.

"I'm Marinette Stone but I'm hoping to change my name back soon my adoptive father is still working on it" Marinette says.

"Any relations to Jagged Stone" Bruce asks.

"Yes 2 years ago he was more like a uncle figure to me but a year ago I was kicked out at home and uncle J adopted me and became dad, I have a lot of adopted siblings 4, to be exact but I can't exactly beat you" she says nudging Jason making him laugh.

"Yep definitely Jason's sister" Tim says earning a glare from Jason.

"So why did they kick you out" Jason asks making Marinette look down.

"They believed a lier a complete stranger over me" Marinette says sighing.

"Are you sure she's a lier I mean you are Todd's sister" Damian says making the girl snap.

Light, lights, lights, lights

"What the f*ck do you know about me" she says angrily. "You know what let me tell you my story Mr I'm gonna insult everyone I meet even if I don't know a f*ck about them. I'm sure your lonely with no girlfriend because of that" Marinette says angrily making his siblings laugh. She takes a calming breath lowering her voice. "Yes the girl is a lier I mean she said she saved Jagged Stones kitten from being run over by a plan"

"People believe that" Dick asks.

"Unfortunately" Marinette says. "She said I bullied her because I was jealous of her relationship with Adrien Agreste, my ex crush slash boyfriend" she says making Jason raise an eyebrow. "He cheated on me with the same lier but I lost all feelings for him and everyone around me. But that's a story for another day it's about time I caught up with my brother"

(Home, home)

Jason and Marinette spent the rest of the day together. Well with the rest of his family of course which Amaya, Marinette soon came to like them. She of course spent the night after calling home.

Light, lights, lights, lights

Light, lights

She was sent to wake up Damian. Alfred of course could have done this himself but being himself he knew that this would be a huge change in their relationship.

You show the lights that stop me turn to stone

Marinette sighed knocking on the rude boys door. She was immediately met with a sword.

"What the" Marinette says grabbing the sword from his head and flipping him over her shoulder before backing up hyperventilating. Her eyes turn red and the house begins to shake.

Daminette December 2020Where stories live. Discover now