Spooky island, here we are

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On the island, Jake was walking next of shaggy and scooby to a statue waving its arms. "Welcome to spooky island- SCOOBY DOO." The statue yelled causing scooby to jump into Jake's arms. Jake could barley hold him. "You need to stop eating so many scooby snacks." And scooby huffed. A man popped up behind the statue. "Ah there we go." Velma looked at him. "So your Emile mondoverious you seem less.." "Spooky?" Jake suggested as he let scooby down. Velma nodded. "Than we suspected." "Oh I can go monstrous you know like ar ra like claws." He starts acting like a monster. Daphne coming behind Jake with all her bags panting. "Oh good I was afraid I was gonna have to carry all my luggage to the hotel." Jake muttered in scoobys ear. "She hasn't really changed a bit." Making scooby chuckle. Mondoverious smiled at her. "That's the point of spooky island realizing your worst fear." As the gang was walking down the board walk, Jake looked out to the sea and saw a beautiful scenery. He took a picture of it so he can draw it later and cought up with the others as mondoverious was talking about people being under a magic spell and watching a teen girl lift up a guy like he was a pillow and throwing him like a foot ball. "Zoinks." Jake muttered and watched the guy run away not paying attention to the conversation. Shaggy put his hand on Jake's shoulder and he looked at him. "Like we're gonna go look around for some clues wanna come?" Jake smiled. "Yea ofcourse." He followed shaggy and scooby to restaurant like place. "Food related clues?" Jake asked Shaggy. "Like you know it."
That night, "I got a phone call for a doo and blake?" The man behind the bar called out. Jake and scooby looked at each other and shrugged. Then the man called out. "A jake Blake and scooby doo." Jake walked up to him, taking the phone and puts it up where they can both can hear. A man on the phone says in a creepy tone. "I got a large cheese pizza toasted parmesan here in the forrest for you both just come to the woods where no one can see you." Jake and scooby blinded by food said ok hung up an went to the woods. Daphne walked up to shaggy. "Hey shaggy wheres Jake and scooby?" "Like their-." He turned around and didn't see them anywhere. "They were right behind me though." Daphne starts to freak out till shaggy grabbed her. "Like calm down we'll find them like they cant be far I'll go find velma you find fred." He ran off not waiting for her. Jake and scooby in the woods walking aimlessly. "Hey scooby." "Rea rake?" "Do you think that theres a werewolf or." He gulped. "A mud monster are in these woods?" "Ri-ri-ri rope not!" Scooby chatters his teeth loud. "Let's find the food and leave ok?" He muttered. Suddenly they saw a box that says pizza inside and they licked their lips. Jake opened it to reveal nothing. Scooby turned around and gasped. "What the?" Jake muttered at the empty box. Scooby was pulling on his shirt hard chattering his teeth. "What's wrong sc-." He turned around to see a demon with rabbit ears and skinny to the bones behind them. "DEMON!" Jake exclaimed and grabbed scooby by the collar then ran with the demon on their tail. Jake climbed up a tree with scooby on his back. "RES RIGHT BEHIND US!" Jake got to the end and back on the ground holding the tree down with the demon on it. He waved bye at it as he let go of the tree flinging the demon far. "Thats the end of that, come on let's get out of here." And the 2 ran off. Daphne and fred meets up with shaggy and velma . "Did you find them?" Fred asked. Shaggy shooked his head. "We didnt even find a clue to where they might be." Velma explained. "GANG WAY!" A voice called out and crashed into them. They saw it was jake and scooby. "Jake! Scooby!" The gang said in unison smiling. "Heya guys." Jake smiled. Then a random noise maked scooby and jake look back and get up. "AND SEE YOU GUYS!" They were running in place as daphne had Jake by the collar of his shirt and shaggy had scooby by his collar. "Like what's wrong you two act like you seen a ghost." Jake panting hard still trying to run. "WORST THAN THAT WE SAW A DEMON IT WAS 10 FT TALL IT HAD RABBIT EARS IT WAS SKINNY TO ITS BONES AND ALMOST GRABBED ME AND SCOOB!" "REA REA" Shaggy teeth started chattering. "DEMON?!" He tried to run with them but fred grabbed shaggy and scooby. "Ok you two can you show us where this demon was?" Jake looked at him crazy. "ARE YOU CRAZY THERE MIGHT BE MORE OF THEM!" Velma hmed and asked. "Did you say they had rabbit ears?" Jake and scooby nodded fast. "Follow me." She told them and showed the gang a show where she was earlier and the demons head was in the fire. Scooby jumped into Jake's arms and Jake jumped into shaggys arms. "THATS THE DEMON THAT ATTACKED US!" Jake exclaimed. "ZOINKS!" Shaggy jumped into Fred's arms. "Like that thing looks real!" Velma turned off the projectors. "Someone must really want something to make a costume that realistic." Fred dropped the 3 onto the ground. "But why to scare mondoverious away? Oil or something?" Jake shag and scoob got up and daphne noticed something on Jake's back. "What the?" She showed the others Jake's hoodie was almost torn open. "Guys look at this." Velma looked his hoodie. "Something too a swipe at him alright but its something I never seen before." Jake looked at them. "I gotta thank scooby honestly he was the one who saw it first and warned me." Scooby looked proud of himself. "Like I say we get off this island before we become demon food." Daphne shook her head. "I'm gonna go look for more clues." She walked away. "I'll ask around what animals live here and what could've done that." Velma took a picture of his hoodie and walked toward the hotel. "I'm gonna go look in the woods for anything suspicious." Fred told the 3 and ran towards the wood. Shaggy looked at Jake who was shaking alittle. "Like you know what I want after a demon attack?" All three smiled and said in unison. "Food!" All of them laughed like old times while eyes from the bushes watches them. Shaggy scooby and Jake was sitting at a table eating happily when daphne called for them. "I need you guys to help me." Shaggy sighed. "But like we're eating." Shaggy heard a burp and looked at jake and scooby with a empty pizza box. "Correction we were eating." Jake and scooby smiled and laughed.

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