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Immeasurable anger seeped through her body as she stared at the sight before her. Her eyes emitted a dangerous glare and the fury she felt didn't go unnoticed by the man before her.

HEBE.." Aaron's eyes widened as he stared at his girlfriend.

"What.. Did you do?" Her voice quivered with anger as she narrowed her eyes, her fists clenching together so hard that her knuckles were turning white.

"I'm sorry!" Aaron exclaimed, desperately trying to calm her down.

Big fat tears dropped from her eyes as she screamed something incoherent at him, stomping away to the living room. She slumped on the sofa, and Aaron knew that she was really furious when she stayed in her position, not even moving an inch, for half an hour in silence.

"God, HEBE it's just a Stitch!" Aaron snapped, breaking the silence, and his patience at his limits.

It wasn't as if he did it on purpose..

He had went into her room the other day, accidentally tripping over the small blue toy and ripping it in the process. Of course, he panicked and tried to fix it by gluing, sewing, and practically anything, anything, to get it back to it's original shape and form. Unfortunately for him, he had ended up making a bigger mess out of the broken soft toy. Luck just wasn't on his side when HEBE stepped into the room, instantly making him freeze.

That was the reason why both of them were sitting in silence on the couch, with their heated gazes directed to each other.

"It was a limited edition one." HEBEspoke, keeping her tone flat as she tried to compose herself.

Aaron sighed, running his hand in his hair. He really didn't want to quarrel with her.

"Come on,HEBE .. I'll buy you a new one alright?" He tried, giving her a gentle nudge and watched as she nodded.

Knowing that the fight was over, she lay her head on his lap and closed her eyes.

The next day, Aaron brought HEBE  to the nearby Disney store to get her a new Stitch soft toy.

Even though he still thinks that it wasn't his fault, he felt guilty for being so stingy for fighting with her because of a broken Stitch. It's not like he couldn't afford it anyway.

Once HEBE stepped into the shop, she maneuvered her way out of the crowd, finally getting to the Stitch section. She stared in awe at the wide range of Stitch and Angel products, and Aaron watched her with an amused expression. One thing he loved about bringing her to the Disney store, was the way her eyes sparkled. It made her unresistingly attractive, and he loved that look on her face.

A particular glint appeared in her eyes as she reached out to grab a Stitch plush toy off the shelf. She showed it to Aaron, beaming at him. He gave a slight chuckle and nodded, making his way over to the counter.

He nearly fainted when he saw the price. Was Stitch really becoming that popular? Hell, the price was ridiculous!

Aaron sighed and whipped out his credit card, feeling his heart drop at the sheer amount he had paid.

As he was about to call HEBE, she strolled up to him and held two shirts- Couple tees.


His answer was simple, short, and direct as he watched as HEBE pouted in disappointment.

"But Aaron!-"

"No." Aaron firmly said, his tone meaning the end of the discussion. They would not buy couple tees.

"Give me a reason." HEBE crossed her arms, looking at him with an utterly displeased look showing on her face. Aaron sighed for the hundredth time that day. He would have guessed that she would not back down without a fight.

"I don't like them." Again, his answer was simply to the point, and HEBE gave an exasperated sigh.

"Just once!" She pleaded, pouting. Aaron resisted the urge to look at her and started walking out of the shop when HEBE gave him a harsh tug backwards, pulling him back.

"Aaron!" She whined, and Aaron rubbed his temples in annoyance. Grabbing the shirts out of her clutch, he ended back once again at the counter, paying once again.

He was such a sucker.

  HEBE giggled as she played with the new members of her Stitch family. She gave Aaron a cheeky smile, and hugged him.

"Aaron, I love you. You know that right?" She laughed, watching her boyfriend roll his eyes. Pulling her cheeks, he warned her.

"Don't ever use that tone on me ever again, got it?" Gosh, he was a sucker whenever HEBE uses things like that on him.

  HEBE stuck out her tongue, a distorted scream coming out from her mouth as Aaron pulled even harder on her cheeks.

"Let me go!" Was supposed to come out from her mouth, but instead an alien line came out an Aaron laughed, releasing his hold on his girlfriend.

"It hurt." HEBE pouted, rubbing her sore cheeks as Aaron grinned. Only then did he realize that they were in the center of attraction. Uncomfortable under the stares, Aaron dragged HEBE out of the crowd on their way home.

"Aaron.. Thanks for the gift." She gave him a sweet smile and he smiled back.

HEBE leant in to hug him and he was about to put his arms around her waist, when HEBE pulled out of the hug to hug her Stitch. Aaron twitched in annoyance and felt a tinge of jealousy.

He was beginning to regret buying that for her.

"HEBE, can i ask you a question?" He asked, trying to keep his tone casual. HEBE raised her brows and looked skeptical, but nodded anyway.

"If one were to disappear entirely from your life, who will it be? Me or Stitch?" After he asked that,  HEBE  thought in silence and suddenly shrugged.

"I never said I'll answer it." She grinned. Aaron got pissed at her sly reply and struggled to stay composed.

HEBE. Answer it, now. " HEBE shook her head in misery.

"You can't compare the both of you like this!" She protested, instantly making Aaron swell in anger.

Honestly, was it really that hard to choose between her boyfriend and a furry blue alien?

And the most disappointing thing he felt was..

Was he that unimportant?

The initial anger subsided into sheer disappointment as he unlocked the door to their apartment. They were studying and living together in an apartment they both rented.

  HEBE watched as her Aaron slumped down on a chair, a sign that he was upset. She gave herself a small smile and realized that it was time to stop teasing him.

"I'm going to bed." He muttered and was about to walk into the room, when a hand pulled him.

HEBE hugged him from the back, and whispered softly.

"Of course it's you." As silent as it was, he heard it. And that was enough.

He turned around and kissed her on the lips, overjoyed.

Him losing to Stitch?

Not a chance.

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