From the corner of my eye I saw a familiar figure. It was Mabuchi-kun. He's here early. I remembered about his stuff, so I approched him. 'Good Morni-', he stopped me before I could continue.

'What do you want? Don't be annoying and leave.', his voice was stern and hurtful.

'What are you talking about? I came here to return your belongin-'

'Did I not say keep it? Is it that simple things you can't follow?', he was looking away from me for a long time now.

'Hold on, you also said I could return it to you today. And what is wrong with you today?! Yesterday you were-'

'The only reason I was considerate to you was because I was told to do so. Did you really think I would associate myself with someone who is depressed all the time and doesn't know how to keep their mouth shut?', He aggressively yelled at me as he turned towards me.

I stood still shocked at what he just said, anger then filled me. 'Go die. And take your shit aswell.', I threw the bag with his jacket and scarf at him and ran into the train, which arrived just in time.

My knees became weak as I fell onto the train's chair. 'What is wrong with him? That idiot. Who does he think he is? He was fine just yesterday.', I held in my tears of anger for the whole journey to school.

*At school*

'I guess today is not a happy day. I got my hopes up for nothing.'

I dawdled my way to class and slumped into my chair. 'I have no more motivation. I want to go home and eat and do nothing for the whole day.', I murmured as I took out my books for the first class. What lesson is first? Ah! I can't be asked. I sighed and lay my head on my desk, blocking out reality.

'Good Morning students, we have a new member of our class today, please introduce yourself young man.' Sensei's voice spoke.

I looked up and saw a tall person, about six feet ,with blonde,wavy hair. They had hazel eyes which shined like the moon, and a smile as bright as a summers day. A faint layer of freckles scattered all over their smooth face, which was dissonant to the piercing on his ear.

'Good Morning, I am Takashi Nakamura, it's a pleasure to meet you all.', he slightly bowed down then got back up.

'Nice to meet you, Takashi-kun.', the whole classed answered. I could already hear some girls falling for him already.

'Alright, There is an empty seat in front of Y/n, the girl who looks half dead.', Sensei told him.

Eh? How rude of him!, I frowned.

I watched at Takashi-kun walked over.

'Hello! What's your name?', he placed his bag on the side of his desk and turned his chair towards me.

I looked around, not knowing if he was talking to me or not. I then pointed to myself. 'Are you talking to me?', I quietly asked.

He nodded his head.

'Oh, I'm Y/n.'

'Wow that's such a pretty name!', he yelled.

So loud. I'm not in the mood for this.

'Thanks..', I opened my textbook
thinking he would leave me alone.

'Do you like reading manga?', he tilted his head aiming to look at me.

'Yes-', I paused when Sensei spoke.

'You're late Mabuchi-kun.', he remarked.

My face shot up.

'I know, something important came up. Sorry Sensei.', he apologized.

'Go take your seat.'

My eyes followed him as he walked to his desk. I could feel Takashi-kun looking at me as I did.

'Hey, Y/n, I said what's your favourite manga.', he gently touched my shoulder.

I snapped out of it. 'Oh i'm sorry, um Mask Killer..', I muttered.

'So you like gore! Me too!', a sweet smile plastered onto his face.

'Really?!', my face brightened. 'I thought I was the only one, everyone else thinks it's weird.'

'I think it's really cool and interesting, it's like a whole new level of excitement and suspense.'

'That's exactly my thoughts!', I laughed and then noticed Takashi-kun staring at me. 'Sorry, I have an ugly laugh.', I covered my mouth.

He grabbed my hand from my face and moved it out of the way. 'I think your laugh is beautiful.'

My eyes widened and my cheeks became bright pink.


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